Hello Scott,

I would like to help you, but I am not able to answer your questions. In Olešná there is no one who knows details about Bohumil. I am sorry.

Referring to your questions I have been thinking about our relatives in Nový Bor too. They have kept in touch with us for many years, but unfortunately our contacts were ceased several years ago and we have no news about them now. Can I ask you whether you have tried to make contact with Roman Ríha? Except the address I also received information about Mrs Brzonová´s daughter living in Havlíckuv Brod at that time. In case your interest I would have to check up on it.

Scott, you have not probably understood my information about Antonín Karas family and the postwar situation well. I wil try to explain it better. After the Second World War Czechs hated Germen too much, so they forced them to leave our country. Czechs did not respect the fact that many of German families had lived in Bohemia for centuries, they did not respect their human or proprietary rights We drove many ordinary people, who had nothing to do with the war out of their native country. Leaving Bohemia they could take only 25 kilogrammes of their property. Then our goverment provided all their property to our Czech citizens. There were also free job opportunities there. The Czechs moved to Sudetenland from the whole republic. It was the chance for unpropertied inhabitants to get a new house, fields etc. And it is also the reason why Antonín Karas and his wife decided to leave Olešná. It means they both were Czechs and it was their free choice to move. Maybe it sounds unbelievable, but it is true.

And another note: It is not Antonín Karas Sr. who is burried in Skuhrov , it is Antonín Karas JR.

Scott, thank you very much for your family photographs.

Good luck.
