October 4, 2011

Hello, Scott,

Thank you for your photographs, they are interesting for me.

But…. I am not able to answer the most important question about your grandfather William Karas. My father doesn´t remember these facts.

While I was reading your new information, I could not overlook your pictures of Olešná with Karas´ houses. The house 55 was not Marie Karas´ home, she lived in number 10. It is also not the original house 55, where Jan Karas lived (Stabilní katastr 1838), because the current house was built in the first half of the 20th century and on the place of arable land. Maybe I can mention that this house is partly connected with the name Karas too - František Karas ( Josef Karas´son) married into this house and lived here for some time. His sister Anna Karasová (Doležalová) lived in number 59. ( Josef Karas´son Josef lived in Havlíckuv Brod). The current number 28 was assigned to a new house (photo 2) after a defunct house (the same as 55). The right place for the original house 28 (Karas family) is in the centre of Olešná, now there is a community centre and local authorities here. (Is it clear?)

And finally the photo with my grandparents..... It was taken probably in 1964, so the child is my sister Jana. ( My grandfather Václav died in 1976.)

Petra D.