August 4, 2011

Dear Scott

According to historical sources the Karases are a very ancient family, they have lived in Olešná for several centuries. One of the sources states, that they even were the first inhabitants here.( They belong to the first two families in Olešná.)

Your great-grandfather Matej Karas had three brothers (Josef, Antonín, Václav) and one sister (Marie). Matej´s parents were Matej and Marie.

Antonín had 5 children. He lived in Olešná till the end of the Second World War. Then he moved with all his family to the north of our republic.

Josef owned the local pub in Olešná. He had three children.Marie was very young, when she died.

Václav was the youngest from the brothers. He was born in 1895. In 1914 he went with two Matej´s sons to America. Unfortunately at the railway station in Hamburg one of these boys stumbled and hurt himself. It was the moment, when they attracted unsolicited attention. It was in the beginning of the First World War so Václav and his nephews were forced to return home. Matej´s sons arrived in America later with Karel Blažek (Václav´s friend in Olešná). Karel Blažek stayed in America too.

Václav lived in Olešná, he was a small farmer. He got married and he had three children - two daughters and one son. Václav´s descendants live in Olešná in two families now. Daughter Marie was born in 1922 and she lived in Olešná all her life. She died five years ago. Olešná is also the home for her son Josef Dundácek and his family. Marie´s brother Václav Karas was born in 1934. He also lives in Olešná. He has two daughters - Jana and me. My name is Petra and I´m 35. I live in Olešná too. Josef and Antonín´s descendants live in the region Vysocina and near Ceská Lípa in the north, their surnames are different. We were out of touch with Matej´s family during the Second World War. Karel Blažek visited Olešná in 1958. He left two addresses here- his address and William Karas´ address, but we didn´t succeed to establish a new contact with our relatives. In case of follow-up communication you can use English. With kind regards

Petra Dušátková