From Petra Dušátková on November 14, 2011...

"Karas Family (Rodina Karasova). Matej Karas Sr., Marie Karasová (Kolárová), their daughter Marie, their son Václav Karas Sr., his wife Anastázie Karasová (Janáková) and Josef Karas (Václav Karas Jr.´s son).
It is our family grave now. Josef was my brother, he was born in 1958. He died of road accident consequences in 1975."

"Dundácek Family (Rodina Dundáckova). Marie Dundácková (Karasová)- a daughter of Václav Karas Sr."

"Karas and Doležal Family (Rodina Karasova a Doležalova). Josef Karas (Matej Karas Sr.´s son), his wife Marie Karasová(Kubícková), their daughter Anna Doležalová(Karasová) and her husband Jan Doležal."

"Štefánek Family (Rodina Štefánkova). Anna Štefánková(Karasová) – a daughter of Václav Karas Sr. The grave is on the opposite side of the graveyard."

"Antonín Karas Jr.´s grave. The son of Antonín Karas Sr. The grave has no gravestone, there is no one to care. The place is behind the grave of the Karas and Doležal family."

Skuhrov Cemetary

Skuhrov Cemetary

Karas Family Graves

Dundackova Family Grave

Karas Family Grave

Karas Family Grave