Site Credits Home

There are so many people that have contributed to the success of this site over the years that I wanted to have a place to give a "much thanks" where it is due...

Site Content...
These are the people who took the time to send their versions of Faith, scanned images for my archives, and/or contributed their memorabilia so that every Cure fan could enjoy it (listed in no particular order).

Site Design/Technical Stuff
These are the people who have helped me with the logic/coding that drives this site (in addition to them repeately telling me, "You've got to get this site out there for everyone to enjoy..."). Thanks...

And of course, I'd like to thank all of the visitors to this site... all of you that e-mail me with kind words and thoughts of how I could improve the site. After all, this site is for all of the Cure fans out there... without you all, this site wouldn't be as special. So, enough of the sappy "thank yous"... enjoy!

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Founded April 7, 1997
This page was last updated on April 16, 2009
Dayna Karas © 1997-
Number of visitors currently on this site: 192