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1/20/2000  Music365
Title: Bloodflowers
Label: Fiction
Producer: The Cure/Paul Corkett
Release date: February 14

3 Out Of 5

The Cure are back again, and like several of the old hands releasing new albums, they are promoting it through reference to previous triumphs while threatening to retire. So 'Bloodflowers' has been described as the final segment of the trilogy begun with 'Pornography' and 'Disintegration'. It was completed in June 1999, but Cure mainman Robert Smith was unwilling to see it lost in the pre-Millennial Xmas rush, prompting the eight month delay. Expect the bleary-eyed, bleaker side of the band to be on display, and look out for them in your town - a few small shows in Europe and America will be followed by a full scale jaunt around the world.

Tracklisting: 'Out Of This World'; 'Watching Me Fall'; 'Where The Birds Always Sing'; 'Maybe Someday'; 'The Last Day Of Summer'; 'There Is No If...'; 'The Loudest Sound'; '39'; 'Bloodflowers'.


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