Lyrics To Faith Live Home

Essen, Germany  5/11/1989


"Who knows... this is called Faith."

(Beginning Lyrics)

(Guitar Fill)

I wish you wouldn't speak like that
Sit on the stairs and watch like that
Everything goes so wrong from here like it fucking does

If I could just once feel
Someone... sticks it inside my head
I can feel it inside of me
Sticks it inside of my head
Like fuck they'll know how it feels
Like fuck they'll know how it feels

You still smile
But the back of my head still...
It's so much bigger than that
You don't even need to feel it like that
It's so much bigger than that
You can't feel things like that

Anyway, someone stuck me
So I aim for the middle of my head
And someone says
Don't do it
You're too special

(Guitar Fill)

There's nothing left but faith

(Ending Lyrics)


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This page was last updated on April 16, 2009
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