Cure Article List Home

This page contains references to publications which contain Cure related articles. This list was compiled by me (to the best of my knowledge). It is meant to be a repository to keep track of all Cure related publications. So, if you know of any other publications that the Cure are in that are not on this list, please feel free to e-mail me with the details of the publication (Date of Publication, Name of Publication, Article Title, Volume/Number of Publication, Country it was published, Is the Cure on the cover?, How many pages long is the article (including the cover if there is one)?, Does the article contain pictures?). If possible, send a scan of the Cure on the cover of the publication(only if it does not already exist on this page). This will allow me to link the picture to the record of the publication. Thanks in advance for all of those people who wish to contribute!

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There are 6028 publications listed.

Article Date Magazine Title Cover Article Title Country # Pages Pics C/O Notes Date Added
6/8/1989 Bravo  N Bravo Songbook - Lullaby Lyrics
Robert Sticker (Robert's Head Close Up, Big Hair, Wearing Pink Shirt)
Roberts Totentanz : Die Fans Kamen Wie Zu Einer Rock-Messe
Germany  2.25 Y O #24, Corey Haim Cover
6/10/1989 Juke  Y Return Of The Spiderman - Part I
Australia  3 Y O #737, Author: Jason Donovan?
6/10/1989 Melody Maker  N Extra Cure (Begins with 'The Cure have added another date at Birmingham NEC due to ticket demand...')
England  0.25 Y Bobby Brown Cover
6/11/1989 Nice-Matin  N 561 Reponses... Et 40 Gagnants
France  1 Y O
6/12/1989 People  N Picks & Pans - Song (Disintegration Album Review)
US  1 Y C Author: D.H.
6/14/1989 On The Street  N Disintegration Album Advert
Disintegration And The Mind Of Robert Smith
Australia  1.5 Y O #442, Junkyard Cover
6/14/1989 Unknown Newspaper  N Rock: 5000 Curistes A Colmar - Fascination Celeste...
France  1.5 Y O Author: Aline Schneider
6/15/1989 Bravo  P Robert Poster (On Stairs With Hands In The Air)
Germany  2 Y O #25, Rob Lowe Cover
6/17/1989 Hitkrant  N 5 Vrage - The Cure 'Een Cure-fan is het type mens dat troost brengt op een begrafenis'
Netherlands  0.75 Y O
6/17/1989 Juke  N The Cure Pt. 2
Australia  1 #738, World Music Musings (With Peter Gabriel) Cover
6/17/1989 Var Matin  N Frejus, Ville De 'Cure'
France  1 Y O
6/19/1989 People  N Chatter: Better Off Red
US  0.5 Y O Author: Peter Castro
6/22/1989 Bravo  Y Staralbum - Cure Issue
Germany  16 Y O #26, Patrick Swayze/Don Johnson Cover, Only have Staralbum, not entire magazine.
6/22/1989 Popfoto  N Unknown
Holland  Madonna Cover
6/28/1989 Exito  N Chegamos
Decada De Anguistias
Fas Dos Cure Deslumbram - Nos Com Obras De Arte
Tres Horas Que Nunca Mais Se Esquecem!
Portugal  7 Y C #266, Authors: R.G. And S.N.
6/29/1989 Hot Press  N 7-15-89 Dublin, Ireland Show Advert
Ireland  0.5 Y
6/30/1989 L'Express  N La Tournee Du Patron
France  1 #1982
6/30/1989 Madrid  Y Explosion Musical
Spain  2 Y C #64, Author: Pedro Calvo
6/30/1989 Unknown  N OCIO: De Bellos Y Bestias
Spain  1 Y C #LVII
7/1/1989 7 A Paris  N Cure Toujours
France  1
7/1/1989 Backstage  Y Ca Tournee Pour Les Cure
France  7 Y O #3, Author: Cecile Tesseyre, Poster Supplement?
7/1/1989 Best  N 7-8-89 Paris, France Bercy Show Advert
En-tetes: Flowers Covers
France  2 #252, Lou Reed Cover
7/1/1989 Fachblatt  Y Depression Und Harte
Germany  4.25 Y O #7, Author: Werner Mohring
7/1/1989 Graffiti  N Albumscopie
France  2
7/1/1989 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  42 #9
7/1/1989 Le Monde  N La Joie De L'Angoisse
France  0.25
7/1/1989 Melody Maker  N Begins with 'The Cure have added a third night at Wembley Arena...' (W/Pic Of Robert With 4 Lights Around Him)
England  0.25 Y David Bowie And Tin Machine Cover
7/1/1989 MTV To Go  N Cure Pick of the Month - Disintegration
Robert Smith: United He Stands
US  2 Cartoon Drawing of a BBQ Cover
7/1/1989 Music Life  N Unknown
Japan  Bon Jovi Cover
7/1/1989 Musician  N What's The Big Idea?
US  9 Y O #129, The Who Cover
7/1/1989 Musik Express/Sounds  N 5-19-89 Munchen, Germany Olympiahalle Show Review
Germany  1.5 Y O Nena Cherry Cover, Author: Martina Wimmer
7/1/1989 New Musical Express  N Begins with 'The Cure have added a third night to their stint at London's Wembley Arena...'
Prayer Tour Advert (Full Page)
The Cure Shellyan Orphan (6-17-89 Arles, France Arles Amphitheatre Show Review)
England  1.5 Y O Pogues Cover, Review Author: Steve Lamacq
7/1/1989 Ouest France  N Les Toles Ondulent: Concert Penfeld Brest
France  1
7/1/1989 Oxygene Aulnay  N Concerts: Disintegration
7/1/1989 Paroles Et Musique  Y La Violence Immobile
France  5 Y O #20, Author (Violence): Olivier Cachin, Author (Cure Insecure): Jean-Marie Leduc
7/1/1989 Popcorn  N Unknown Article
Germany  #7, Depeche Mode Cover
7/1/1989 Ritam  Y Da Li Je To Ptica? Da Li Je To Avion? Ni To Su The Cure
Yugoslavia  3 Y O #6/7, Author: Dr. Nebojsa Mickovic
7/1/1989 Rock & Folk  P Duel Au Soleil
Prayer Tour France Advert
France  4 Y O #265, Simple Minds Cover, Author: Philipe Blanchet
7/1/1989 Rock De Lux  Y Unknown
Spain  6 Y
7/1/1989 Rockin' On  N The Cure
Japan  2 Y #7, Style Council Cover
7/1/1989 Rockstar  Y Unknown
Italy  4 Y
7/1/1989 Sounds  N Prayer Tour Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O Bob Mould Cover
7/1/1989 Spin  N Disintegration Album Advert
The Cure Melts Down
US  5 Y O Vol. 5 #4, Elvis Cover, Author: Ted Mico
7/1/1989 Star Passion  N The Cure
  2 #7
7/1/1989 Time Out  N Prayer Tour Advert
7/1/1989 Vi Unge  N Unknown
Denmark  #7, Kylie Minogue Cover
7/3/1989 Top 50  N Unknown
France  2 #174, Madonna Cover
7/4/1989 Sud Ouest  N Cure De Rock A Meriadeck
France  1.5 Y C
7/6/1989 Bravo  N Cure Sticker
Raumten Ab!
Germany  0.25 Y C #28, David Hasselhoff Cover
7/8/1989 Le Parisien  N La Cure-Mania Est De Retour
France  0.5 Y O Author: Alain Morel
7/8/1989 Melody Maker  N Prayer Tour Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O The Primitives Cover
7/8/1989 Sud Ouest TV/Loisirs  N Cure Encore Et Toujours
France  1 Y C
7/9/1989 Liberation  N Cure D'Honneur
France  3 Y O Author: Arnaud Viviant, Incomplete (have one page)
7/9/1989 Top 50  N Clip Au Top - Lullaby Video
Top 25 Charts
France  2 Y O
7/11/1989 Unknown  N Begins with 'Highest new entry amongst a bumper intake of 16 singles in this week's top 75...'
England  0.25 N O Date?
7/13/1989 Rolling Stone  N Disintegration Album Review
England  1 Y #556/#557, The Who Cover, Review Author: Michael Azerrad
7/15/1989 Melody Maker  Y Prayer Tour Advert
Territorial Rites
England  5.5 Y O Author: Steve Sutherland
7/15/1989 New Musical Express  N Prayer Tour UK Advert (Half Page)
England  0.5 Y O Beastie Boys Cover
7/16/1989 Los Angeles Times  N News Notes (Begins with 'The Cure begin a 25-date tour-which includes six stadium shows...')
US  Author: Paul Grein
7/20/1989 Bravo  N Nie Wieder Auf Tournee!
Germany  1 Y O #30, Jason Donovan Cover
7/22/1989 Melody Maker  N 7-24-89 London, England Show Advert
Positively The Last Verse Of 'A Forest'
Shore Leave
Working Week (Lists Cure Gig)
England  4 Y O Simple Minds Cover
7/22/1989 New Musical Express  N Prayer Tour UK Advert
England  0.5 Y O Birdland Cover
7/22/1989 Sounds  Y 7-21-89 Birmingham, England Show Advert
Sacre Cure! (7-8/9-89 Paris, France Show Review)
The Final Score?
England  5 Y O Article And Review Author: Keith Cameron
7/24/1989 Unknown  N 7-24-89 London, England Show Advert
England  1 Y O
7/27/1989 Hot Press  Y 7-15-89 Dublin, Ireland Show Advert
Bob's Your Uncle
Ireland  4.5 Y O Vol. 13 #14
7/29/1989 Melody Maker  N A Kiss In The Dark (7-22/23/24-89 London, England Show Review)
England  1 Y O Mick Jones (B.A.D.) Cover, Author: Ian Gittins
7/29/1989 New Musical Express  N Uncurable Romantics (Shellyan Orphan)
Wig Wam Bam! (7-18-89 Glasgow, Scotland Show Review)
England  3 Y C Fuzzbox Cover, Review Author: Kirk Elder
7/29/1989 Record Mirror  N Live Review
England  Ruth Joy Cover
8/1/1989 Action  N The Cure Attained International Stardom…
US  1
8/1/1989 Best  N Les Concerts: 6-16-89 Frejus, France Show Review
France  1.25 Y #253, Author: Isabelle Karcher
8/1/1989 Fool's Mate  N The Cure
Japan  2 Y #8, Man Close Up On Cover
8/1/1989 Magazyn Muzyczny  Y Unknown
Poland  Y #8
8/1/1989 Music Express  Y Disintegrating?
Canada  5 Y O #139, Kim Mitchell Cover
8/1/1989 Non Stop  Y Unknown
Poland  4 Y #8
8/1/1989 POP/Rocky  P Unknown
Germany  Y Don Johnson Cover
8/1/1989 Smash Hits  P Interview With Robert Smith
England  Y Madonna Cover, Author: Alex Kadis
8/1/1989 Super  N Robert Poster (Robert In Black Suit Holding A Blow Up Heart)
Une Araignee Au Plafond
France  2 Y Madonna Cover, Author: Nicole Kay?
8/1/1989 Top Schlagertextheft  N Article And Fancard
Germany  Don Johnson Cover
8/7/1989 France Soir  N A Bercy, Ce Soir Et Demain - The Cure: Appele A Regner
France  1 Y O Author: Florence Tredez
8/9/1989 Ciao 2001  N Unknown
Italy  #32, Pete Townshend Cover
8/10/1989 Newswave  Y Sting Me, Sting Me, Sting Me
Japan  12 Y O #21
8/12/1989 Melody Maker  N Batman!
England  1 Y C Wolfsbane/Joker From Batman Cover
8/16/1989 EC Rocker  Y Disintegration Album Review
Robert Smith Of The Cure 'This Is Most Definitely Our Final Tour'
US  4 Y O #161
8/19/1989 Sounds  N New Law Puts The Boot In
England  0.5 Y
8/22/1989 Newsday  N Alternative Rockers' Pack Giants Stadium (8-20-89 East Rutherford, New Jersey Show Review)
US  Author: Evelyn McDonnell
8/24/1989 Dallas Observer  N 9-15-89 Dallas, Texas Show Advert
US  0.25 Y O
8/24/1989 NOW  Y Disintegration Album Advert X2
Prayer Tour Advert
The Cure's High-Strung Sound Hits A New Peak
Canada  7 Y O
8/24/1989 Scene  Y 9-22-89 Cleveland, Ohio Show Advert
Coming Up With The Cure: A Conversation With Robert Smith
US  2.5 Y O Author: Lisa Goodman
8/25/1989 Chicago Tribune  N Cure Vocalist Nixes Planes, House Music
US  Author: Tom Popson
8/26/1989 New Musical Express  N Cure In Crossword Puzzle
Lovesong Single Advert
England  1 Y Echo And The Bunnymen Cover
8/27/1989 Chicago Tribune  N Sure Cure - This Time Around, They Admit They're Big, Really
US  Author: Tom Popson
8/29/1989 Advert  N 8-29-89 Cleveland, Ohio Coliseum Theatre Show Advert
US  1 Y C
8/29/1989 Unknown  N 8-29-89 Cleveland, Ohio Coliseum Theatre Show Advert (Different)
US  0.25 Y C
8/29/1989 Unknown  N 8-29-89 Cleveland, Ohio Coliseum Theatre Show Advert (Different)
US  0.25 Y C
8/30/1989 Chicago Tribune  N Pop's New Order Yesterday's Cult Acts Are Today's Hottest Bands
US  Author: Greg Kot
9/1/1989 Best  N Photo Concert
France  1 #254
9/1/1989 Cure News  Y Fanzine
England  10 N O #8
9/1/1989 HiFi-Vision  N Fur Mich Gibt Es Nur Ein Konzept: Schumtzig
Germany  2 Y C
9/1/1989 IE  N Unknown
US  Steve Dahl Cover
9/1/1989 Inquisita  Y Die Bizarren Festivals
The Prayer Tour '89 - 8.5. Hannover Eilenriedehalle
Germany  3 Y C #5, Prayer Tour Author: Joanne B., Bizarren Author: Spenk
9/1/1989 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  40 #10
9/1/1989 Los Angeles Newspaper  N 9-8-89 Los Angeles, California Show Advert
US  0.5 Y O
9/1/1989 New Musical Express  N Smith Out On His Own?
England  0.5 Y O
9/1/1989 Pelo  N Unknown
Argentina  Queen Cover
9/1/1989 Revolution  Y Everything Falls Apart
US  6 Y O Author: Sylvie Simmons
9/1/1989 Star Club  N Robert Poster (Close Up With Blue Shirt On)
Robert Smith: 'Cure Est Mon 5e Groupe'
France  2 Y Author: J.C. Federici
9/1/1989 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  92 #31
9/1/1989 Tunes  Y Robert Smith's Cure A 'Disintegration' Of The Soul
US  2 Y C Author: David Huff
9/2/1989 Melody Maker  N Lovesong Single Review
England  The Sugarcubes Cover
9/2/1989 Sounds  N Lovesong Single Review
9/2/1989 Top 50  P Qui Etes Vous? - The Cure
France  3 Y O #183, Francois Valery Cover, Cure 1/4 Cover
9/3/1989 Chicago Tribune  N Smith, The Cure Don't Have To Use Phony Remedies
US  Author: Steve Johnson
9/3/1989 Los Angeles Times  N The Cure For Success? Quit - At The Height Of His Band's Success, Robert Smith Decides To Pack It All In
US  1 Y Author: Richard Cromelin
9/6/1989 Top 50  Qui Etes Vous?
France  2
9/7/1989 Rolling Stone  N Album Charts
Searching For The Cure
US  4 Y O #560, Rolling Stones Cover, Author: Michael Azerrad
9/9/1989 Billboard  N Talent In Action: The Cure, Love & Rockets, Pixies - Giants Stadium, E. Rutherford NJ
US  0.5 Y O Author: Bruce Haring
9/9/1989 Handbill  Y 9-9-89 Oakland, California Show Advert
US  1 Y O
9/9/1989 Sounds  N Some Cure
England  John Peel Cover
9/9/1989 Sounds  N Unknown
England  Many Bands Cover Bands of 80's
9/10/1989 Unknown  N Begins with 'Johnny Hates Jazz have found a replacement for sexy Clark 'bachelor' Datchler, he's Phil Thornalley...'
England  0.25 N O Smash Hits?
9/11/1989 Los Angeles Times  N 50,000 At Stadium Get A Listless Cure (9-8-89 Los Angeles, California Show Review)
US  Author: Chris Willman
9/14/1989 Bravo  N Robert Erzwang Schiffsreise
Germany  0.5 Y O #38, Tom Cruise Cover
9/14/1989 Dallas Morning News  N Slow Disintegration - The Cure's Tour May Be Its Last Hurrah
US  2 Y O Author: Vicente Rodriguez
9/15/1989 The Picayune Times  N Cure Heads For The Top
9/16/1989 Melody Maker  N Some Cure
England  All About Eve Cover
9/18/1989 Dallas Morning News  N Taking The Cure At Starplex (9-15-89 Dallas, Texas Show Review)
US  1 Y O Author: Russell Smith, I have 1 of 2 pages.
9/18/1989 Houston Chronicle  N Cure Proves Master Of Brooding Rock
9/19/1989 Island Ear  Y The Cure/Love & Rockets/The Pixies Fascination Stadium (8-20-89 East Rutherford, New Jersey Show Review)
The Cure's Robert Smith : The Man Behind The Hair
US  5 Y O #225
9/19/1989 The Picayune Times  N King Of Angst Rocks The Night
9/21/1989 Boston Globe  N The Cure's Last Tour
9/23/1989 Boston Globe  N For The Cure, There's No Success Like Failure
9/26/1989 Bravo  P Band Poster (Smiles)
Germany  2 Y #40, David Hasselhoff Cover
9/26/1989 Bravo  N Band Poster (Band Dressed In All Black And Sitting On Equipment Trunks, Simon In Hat With Red Scarf, Smiling)
Germany  2 Y O #40
9/27/1989 Neue Zeit   N Disintegration Album Review
9/30/1989 Hitkrant  N Lovesong Lyrics
Robert Smith Van The Cure - 'Zonder Die Lipstick Zouden De Mensen Niet Geloven Dat Ik Het Was!'
Netherlands  2 Y O #39
9/30/1989 Melody Maker  N Cure Booklet
Cure: Songwords 1978 - 1989 Book Review
England  0.5 Y O Ian McCulloch Cover, Author: DJ
10/1/1989 Alternative Press  Y One Last Time
US  8 Y O #23
10/1/1989 Best  N Les Depeches: 'Cette fois-ci c'est fini!...'
France  1 Y C #255, Sugarcubes Cover
10/1/1989 Keyboard  N A Cheerful Note On Disintegration
US  4 Y O Peter Gabriel Cover
10/1/1989 Premonition  N Paris Bercy
  1 #4
10/1/1989 Rockin' On  N Unknown
Japan  2 Y Rolling Stones Cover
10/1/1989 Spiral Scratch  Y The Cure
England  13 Y O #10
10/11/1989 EC Rocker  N Unknown
US  #168 Def Leppard Cover
10/18/1989 Los Angeles Times  N Nothing Like A Fruit Bowl To Help A Superstar Unwind
US  Author: Thomas K. Arnold
10/19/1989 Bravo   P Gelibt Und GehaBt The Cure
Germany  2 Y #43, Big Fun Cover (3 Guys) Partial Cure Cover
11/1/1989 Billboard's Rocktober Magazine  N Hairdo's & Don'ts
Rocktober News
US  3 Y C
11/1/1989 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  40 #11
11/1/1989 Music Life  N Poetry Portrait - Lovesong Lyrics
Japan  2 Y O
11/1/1989 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #14
11/1/1989 Rock Top  Y Disintegration Album Review (Begins with 'La ultima produccion de The Cure sorprende a sus seguidores...')
Ranking-Top: #8 - Lullaby (Ranking Rocktop), #4 - Fascination Street (Ranking Radios)
Regreso A La Cura
Chile  3.75 Y O #9, Article Author: Renato Castelli A., Review Author: Dr. Rock
11/1/1989 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  103 #32
11/1/1989 Yu Kuang  N Unknown
11/18/1989 Oor  N Tien Jaar Fabeltjeskrant
Netherlands  5.25 Y O #23, Pictures Of Many Album Covers On Cover, Author: Erik Van Den Berg
12/1/1989 Bizz  Y Cure Disintegration
Brazil  1 #12
12/1/1989 Bizz  Y Biografia
Song Lyrics (21 Songs)
Brazil  37 Y O #12, Exclusive Cure Issue - Letras Traduzidas
12/1/1989 B-Side  N Unknown
England  B-52's Cover
12/1/1989 Exposure  N The Cure: King Of Pain
US  2
12/1/1989 Melody Maker  N 89 By Robert Smith
England  1
12/1/1989 Musik Express  N August - Klatsche Me (Clip begins with 'Ausgeheult hat sich Robert Smith, Vor-Weiner von The Cure...')
Die Cover (Disintegration Cover Art)
Disintegration Album Review (Begins with 'Das Besondere an The Cure ist, daB wir uns prinzipiell immer in Isolation...')
Live - Ausgeheult (Begins with 'Zum SchluB Heulte Robert Smith Leise...')
Germany  2.75 Y O Rolling Stones Cover, Special Edition 1989/1990, Article Author: Martina Wimmer, Review Author: EA
12/1/1989 Pop Shots  N Band Poster (Roger On Right With Flowered Shirt On, Robert In Middle With Hands On Hips)
The Cure: Didja Know?
US  2 Y O Many Artists On Cover (Prince, Madonna, NKOTB, Bobby Brown), US?
12/1/1989 Smash Hits  N Robert Poster (Robert Leaning Over Wearing Red Polka Dot Shirt)
England  2 Y New Kids On The Block Cover
12/1/1989 Top 50  N Unknown
France  2 #197, Roch Voisine Cover
12/1/1989 Tu  N The Cure (Pic Of Band Live On Stage Doing Soundcheck And Pic Of Robert Live Circa '87)
Argentina  2 Y #23, Model Cover
12/23/1989 Melody Maker  P Albums Of The Year
Robert Smith
Singles Of The Year
England  4 Y O The Mission Cover
1/1/1990 Advert  N Never Enough Single Advert
US  1 Y C
1/1/1990 Backstage  N Entreat Promo Album Advert
France  0.5 #7
1/1/1990 Bizz  N Cure Funda Radio
Brazil  0.25
1/1/1990 Bizz  N Desintegracao E Ressurrecao
Brazil  4 Y R.E.M. Cover, Date?
1/1/1990 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas   N Cure: Closedown Lyrics (W/Robert Picture In Gray Suit From '87)
Brazil  2 Y O Paula Abdul Cover
1/1/1990 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas  Unknown
Brazil  2 Y Sinead O'Connor Cover, Date?
1/1/1990 Blah Blah  N A La Fnac 10 Ans De Cure… (Entreat Album Advert)
Dix Ans D'Imaginaire
France  1 #4
1/1/1990 Bravo  N Robert Sticker (Wearing Black Sweater, White Shirt Underneath, And Black Pants)
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1990 Bravo  N Cure Werfen Ihre Songs Weg!
Germany  0.25 Y O Bravo? Date?
1/1/1990 Calendar  Y Official 1990 Calendar (Danilo)
England  12 Y O
1/1/1990 Ciao 2001  Y Unknown
Italy  Y 1990? Robert And Lol Cover - Cure Contro
1/1/1990 Frage  N The Cure Robert Smith Im Interview
Germany  1.5 Y O
1/1/1990 Hit  N Der Cure - Kult
Germany  2
1/1/1990 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  46 #12
1/1/1990 Kvety  Y Unknown
Czechoslovakia  Y #35
1/1/1990 Melody Maker  N Reader's Poll 89
Reader's Poll The Eighties
England  3
1/1/1990 Music Man  N Das Langste Konzert Des Jahres
Horoskop Robert Smith
Austria  1
1/1/1990 Music Man  N Robert Poster
Austria  2
1/1/1990 Music News  N Unknown
Germany  #12, Bee Gees Cover
1/1/1990 Musik Express/Sounds  N Alfredo Sabat (Robert Smith Cartoon Drawing)
Great British Music Weekend London, Wembley Arena
Rubaiyat Box Set Review
Germany  1.75 Y O U2 Cover, London Review Author: Hanspeter Kunzler
1/1/1990 Musik Express/Sounds  N Festival Test (Roskilde)
Germany  1
1/1/1990 Musik Express/Sounds  N Entreat Album Advert
Germany  0.5 Y O
1/1/1990 Ok!  N Unknown
France  #549, Madonna Cover, Date?
1/1/1990 Oor  N Mixed Up Album Review (Begins with 'The Cure heb ik altijd beschouwd...')
Netherlands  0.25 N O Author: Bert Van De Kamp
1/1/1990 Pop  Y Unknown
Israel  Y
1/1/1990 Pop Gear  N Unknown
Japan  Michael Monroe Cover
1/1/1990 POP/Rocky  N Frontman Robert Smith Exzesse Bis Zum Umfallen
Germany  1 Y O December?
1/1/1990 Popcorn  N Robert Smith: Alles Uber Fans, Ehe, Grufties, Und Die Neue LP Von The Cure
Germany  2 Y O
1/1/1990 Popcorn  N Uberraschung Von The Cure
Germany  0.5
1/1/1990 Popcorn  N Robert Poster (Robert In Flowered Shirt, Close Up)
Germany  2 Y O Date 91?
1/1/1990 Popcorn  N Begins with 'Aunque resulte dificil de creer, Robert Smith parecia acabado...'
Argentina  1 Y O Date?
1/1/1990 Popcorn  N Cure Sticker (Robert On The Right Wearing Black Sweater And Flowered Shirt Underneath, Simon In Middle, Perry On The Left)
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1990 N Seismic: The Cure's Alternative Greatest Hits (Mixed Up Album Review)
England  1 Y O Paul Davies
1/1/1990 N And On The Third Day... (6-23-90 Glastonbury Festival Show Review)
England  4 Y O Author: Chris Heath
1/1/1990 Record Mirror  N Never Enough Single Advert
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1990 Record Mirror  N Mixed Up Album Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O
1/1/1990 Rock & Folk  N Alain Dister Book Advert
Caricature Robert Smith
France  2 #270, Les Annees 80 De A a Z Cover
1/1/1990 Rock & Pop  N The Cure - Danza, Pero Sin Lobos
Argentina  3 Y O Author: Sergio Marchi
1/1/1990 Rock & Pop  Y Unknown
Argentina  Y
1/1/1990 Rock 'N' Roll  N Robert Poster On Back Cover (Robert Close Up From Catch Video)
Poland  Y Slash (GNR) Cover
1/1/1990 Rolling Stone   N Searching For The Cure
Australia  3 Y O #440, Tracy Chapman Cover, Author: Michael Azerrad
1/1/1990 Rumba  Y The Cure Kreator
1/1/1990 Select  N Robert Poster (Very Close Up Pic Of Robert W/Sunglasses On Circa '83)
England  1 Y O 90?
1/1/1990 Select  N Robert Poster (Very Close Up Pic Of Robert With Hair In His Face Circa '85)
England  1 Y O 90?
1/1/1990 Smash Hits  N Robert Poster (Robert With Mirror And Reflection, Wearing Flowered Shirt)
England  1 Y O
1/1/1990 Smash Hits  N Never Enough Lyrics
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N 8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Garden Party Show Advert
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Never Enough Single Advert (Tall, Skinny)
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure are gearing up for European concerts this summer...'
England  0.25 N O 1990?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N 7-7/8-90 Torhout/Werchter, Belgium Show Advert
Belgium  1 N C
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Achter De Schermen: The Cure Voetbalfans
Belgium  1 N C Author: DVJ
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure release their 12 track double album 'Mixed Up' on November 5...'
England  0.25 N O RM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Never Enough Single Advert (Tall, Skinny)
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N 8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Garden Party Show Advert W/James And Lush (Different)
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N 8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Garden Party Show Advert (Sold Out)
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Never Enough Single Review (Begins with 'Profoundly baggacious, of all things...')
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N The Oakenfold Cure
England  0.25 N C
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Mixed Up Album Advert
Germany  0.5 Y
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Remix LP For The Cure
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Home Cured Radio Ham!
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Entreat Album Review (Begins with 'Originally available as a limited edition, special purchase...')
England  0.25 N O Author: Martin Aston, Q?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'Level 42, Lloyd Cole... Glastonbury CND Festival over the weekend of June 20-22 - and The Cure are already set for the event...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Our Price - Mixed Up Album Advert
England  1 Y O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Mixed Up Album Advert (Begins with 'I'm a bit mixed up myself, on being informed of...')
England  0.5 N O Author: Peter Stanton
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Cure Remix LP
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Cure 94.8 : Cap'n Bob's Pirate Show Scuppered
England  0.5 N O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Superstar Superstitious!!!
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Never Enough Single Advert
England  0.5 Y
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Bien Fait. The Cure A Echappe...
France  3
1/1/1990 Unknown  N 'Big Mouth'
England  0.5 Y O MM? NME? Author: Robert Smith
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Video: The Cure (Never Enough Video Poster - Close Up Of Robert's Mouth)
Unknown  1 Y O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N New Cure Single (Begins with 'The Cure have a new single recorded and set for release at the end of the month...')
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'Most people are real bastards. People are generally...' (Picture of Robert from Cure FM)
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM? Sounds?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Robert's Remixes Arrive At Last
England  1 Y O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Entreat Album Review (Begins with 'Twelve years and 13 albums on, The Cure may be...')
England  0.25 N O Author: Darren Crook
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Duster, Schon Und Melancholisch Zelebrierten The Cure Ihr Fest In Leipzig Junge Welt
Germany  1
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Song Teksten: The Cure Never Enough
Belgium  0.5 Y O
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Robert Smith Trostet Fans: 'Ich War Genauso Blod Wie Ihr!'
Germany  1 Y C
1/1/1990 Unknown  N The Knave Of Clubs (Mixed Up Album Review)
England  0.5 Y O Author: Glyn Brown
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'In the early part of last week, The Cure's new single 'Never Enough' was selling so well...'
England  0.25 N O Q?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Robert Smith Of The Cure: August (Begins with 'It looked like The Cure were on the verge of splitting up...')
England  0.25 Y O Date?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Cao U Prolazu: The Cure, Pas Laje-Vetar Nosi! Ajde, Lepo, Obrisite Suze - Momci Su Se Samo Salili!
Poland  1 Y O Author: Vladan Paunovic, Poland?, Czechoslovakia? Date?
1/1/1990 Unknown  N Robert Poster (Wearing Black Flowered Shirt, Facing Right, 4 Circles Going Up Right Side Of Picture)
Argentina  2 Y O Date? Country?
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N Ihr Guru HeiBt: Robert Smith (8-4-90 Leipzig, Germany Show Review)
Germany  1
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N The Cure In Leipzig
Germany  0.25
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N Cure Uberzeugten Mit Emotionsgeladenen Klangen
Germany  0.25
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N Im Hexenkessel Dere Tone (Leipzig Show Review)
Germany  1
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N 8-4-90 Leipzig, Germany Show Advert
Germany  1
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N En Toen Kwan De Kater.. (7-8-90 Werchter, Belgium Show Review)
Germany  1 N C
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N Torhout/Werchter: Nat En Mat
Belgium  1 N C Author: DVJ/DTG
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  P Weergoden Sparen Het Rockfeest Niet
Belgium  1 N C
1/1/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N Festivals Mit Cure Und Dylan
Germany  0.25 N O Date?
1/1/1990 WOM Journal  N Fursten Der Finisternis
Germany  2
1/1/1990 Zillo  N Jesus & Mary Chain Cover
Germany  Jesus & Mary Chain Cover
1/1/1990 Zillo  N The Cure - 'Mixed Up'
Germany  0.5
1/1/1990 Zillo  N Nie Wieder Nur Jetzt The Cure - Entreat
Germany  0.5
1/3/1990 Bravo  N Band Poster (Perry In Blue Shirt, Robert In Black Sweater With T-Shirt Underneath)
Germany  2 Y O #2, Vanilla Ice Cover
1/7/1990 Zarzewie  N The Cure - Band Poster (Band Dressed In All Black And Sitting On Equipment Trunks, Simon In Hat With Red Scarf, Not Smiling) (Begins with 'Zespol powstal podczas wakacji 1979...')
Poland  2 Y O #1 (1401), Shoes Cover, Author: Janusz Dabrowski
1/8/1990 Bravo  N Robert Poster (Wearing Black Polka Dot Shirt, Close-Up, With Hands By Face)
Germany  #2, Brieftauben Cover (Guys W/Blue And Pink Hair)
1/25/1990 Bravo  N Cure-Boss Robert : Mary Hat Ihn Voll Im Griff
Germany  0.5 Y O #5, Jason Donovan And Beach Girl Cover
2/1/1990 Zillo  Y The Cure
Germany  7 Y O #2
2/18/1990 Los Angeles Times  N Begins with 'Forty something: Elektra Records has a big anniversary coming up this May...'
US  Author: Patrick Goldstein
3/1/1990 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  50 #13
3/1/1990 Modern Drummer  N Boris Williams
US  4.5 Y O Tico Torres Cover, Author: Adam Budofsky
3/1/1990 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #16
3/1/1990 Rock & Folk  N Les 50 Albums Des Annees 80
France  1 #272
3/11/1990 TV Week  N Xmas Feast!
Australia  1 Y Rebecca Gibney Cover
3/17/1990 Melody Maker  N Pictures Of You Single Advert
England  0.5 Y O Nick Cave Cover
3/23/1990 The Gavin Report  Unknown
US  #1799, Michael Bolton Cover
3/24/1990 Melody Maker  N Pictures Of You Single Advert (Full Page, White With Picture In The Middle)
England  1 Y O David Bowie Cover
3/31/1990 Melody Maker  N Cure Competition
England  1 Y O Happy Mondays Cover
3/31/1990 New Musical Express  N Pictures Of You Single Advert (Full Page, Blue)
England  1 Y O Happy Mondays Cover
4/1/1990 Conecte  Y The Cure: Smith Ha Sido Llamado El Ultimo de los Poetas Domados
Mexico  3 Y O #557
4/1/1990 Cure News  Y Fanzine
England  20 Y O #9
4/1/1990 New Musical Express  N Discography: The Cure
England  1 Y O
4/1/1990 Zillo  N Band Poster (Live Bizarre Festival '89)
Lol Tolhurst Is Back!
Germany  1.25 Y O Rodney Orpheus Cover, I only have poster.
4/7/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure's current Top 30 single 'Pictures Of You' is now available...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
4/21/1990 Unknown  N Free Moz! (Begins with 'Morrissey, The Wonder Stuff, The Mission and The Cure are lined up...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
5/1/1990 Best  N Pictures Of You Single Review
France  0.5 N #262
5/1/1990 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  36 #14
5/1/1990 Oor Special: Live '90  P Unknown
Netherlands  1 Y Madonna Cover
5/1/1990 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #17
5/1/1990 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  50 #33
5/1/1990 Zillo  P The Cure: Biographie Teil II
Germany  6 Y O #5, Nick Cave Cover
5/5/1990 Melody Maker  N Summer Dates For The Cure
England  0.25 Y O Hothouse Flowers Cover
5/5/1990 New Musical Express  N Entreat Album Advert 'Exclusively At HMV' (2 Full Pages)
England  2 Y O Wonderstuff Cover
5/5/1990 Oor  N Festival - Info (W/Cure Picture)
Netherlands  0.5 Y O #9, Author: Hans Van Den Heuvel
5/10/1990 Bravo  N Hit-Paraden: Single Bestseller (Small Picture of Robert '86 W/Short Hair) - Charts
Pictures Of You Single Review
Germany  1.5 Y O Author: Hannsjorg Riemann
5/12/1990 Melody Maker  N Back To The Pit (Entreat Album Review)
Cure Confirm Glastonbury Appearance
England  1.25 Y O Peter Hook (Revenge) Cover, Author: Steve Sutherland
5/12/1990 New Musical Express  N 10.15 Saturday Night!
England  0.5 Y O The Beautiful South Cover
5/12/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure have announced they'll be appearing at the Glastonbury Festival...'
England  0.25 N O RM?
5/19/1990 New Musical Express  N Entreat Album Review
England  New Order And John Barnes Cover
5/19/1990 Oor  N Torhout/Werchter: Huik Naar De Wind
Netherlands  1 Y O #10, Oor Live Special, Author: Erik Van Den Berg
5/20/1990 Bravo  N Bravo Songbook - Pictures Of You Lyrics
Germany  0.5 Y O #20, New Kids On The Block Cover
6/1/1990 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas   N How Beautiful You Are Lyrics (Robert In Middle Wearing White Shirt Holding Something, Porl To His Left, Boris To His Right)
Brazil  2 Y Simply Red Cover
6/1/1990 Conecte  N The Cure
Mexico  1 Y #561, The Doors Cover
6/1/1990 Le Quotidien De Paris  N Advert Fete De La Musique : The Cure/The The
France  1
6/1/1990 New Musical Express  N Cure Go To The Palace
England  1
6/1/1990 New Musical Express  N Lorelei Advert
England  Should this be Leipzig not Lorelei?
6/1/1990 Rock This Town  Y Begins with ('Nouveau maxi 45 pour Poesie Noire: Oblivion contenant le morceau...')
Special Torhout-Werchter 90
Belgium  3.25 Y O #79
6/1/1990 Unknown  N Cure Ou Pas Cure?
France  0.25 N
6/2/1990 Melody Maker  P Italia - The Maker's Guide To The World Cup Finals Featuring... (Simon, Robert, and Others)
England  4 Y O Mission Cover (1/4 Cure Cover)
6/3/1990 Sky  N Unknown
England  2 Y Janet Jackson Cover, Date?
6/4/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N Cure (Begins with 'The Cure, idole des jeunes Francais, donnera un concert...')
France  0.25 Y
6/7/1990 Record Mirror  N Glastonbury Festival Show Review
England  MC Hammer Cover
6/21/1990 France Soir  N Les Rendez-Vous Musicaux De...
France  0.5 Y
6/21/1990 Liberation  N 06-21-90 Fete De La Musique Show Advert
France  1 Y
6/21/1990 Unknown Newspaper  N The Cure: Reintegration
France  0.5 Y Authors: L.R./P.C.
6/23/1990 Melody Maker  Y Cure Debut New Line-Up At Glastonbury
Talk Talk Talk (Begins with 'Nearer to home, Robert Smith of The Cure was involved in a car crash on his way to rehearse...')
The Cure: A Midsummer Night's Dream
England  6.5 Y O Author: Steve Sutherland
6/23/1990 New Musical Express  N Ostend Rock Festival Advert
England  Y Happy Mondays Cover
6/23/1990 Sounds  N Ostend Rock Festival Advert
England  0.25 Y They Might Be Giants Cover
6/23/1990 Tour Program  N A Complete Cure Advert (Full Page)
Glastonbury Festival
England  3 Y O
6/27/1990 Sounds  N 8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Garden Party Show Advert
England  Y
6/30/1990 Melody Maker  N Cure And Eves For Crystal Palace Bowl
England  0.5 Y O 808 State Cover
6/30/1990 New Musical Express  N Glastonbury 1990 Show Review
England  The Beloved Cover
6/30/1990 Sounds  N Glastonbury Festival Review
England  2 Y Mudhoney Cover, Date?
6/30/1990 Tour Program  N Roskilde, Denmark (Roskilde Festival)
Denmark  Y C
7/1/1990 Humo  N Tourhout/Werchter 90: De Duivel En Zijn Moder: The Cure
Belgium  4
7/1/1990 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  48 #15
7/1/1990 Le Soir  N A Torhout-La-Douche
Mano Negra Et Cure…
Belgium  2
7/1/1990 New Musical Express  N Mission, Cure In Common Cause
England  0.25 N O
7/1/1990 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #18
7/1/1990 Prospectus Torhout  N The Cure - Kuur
Netherlands  2
7/1/1990 Telemoustique  N Torhout/Werchter 90: L'Annee De Tous Les Ranges
France  2
7/1/1990 Telemoustique  N Les Reves Desintegres De Robert Smith
France  2 Y C Author: Rudy Leonet
7/1/1990 Zillo  P Lyrics - A Forest
The Cure: Biographie Teil III 1987 - 1990
Germany  4 Y O #7/8, Fields Of Nephilim and Tote Hosen Cover
7/7/1990 Melody Maker  N 8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Garden Party Show Advert
Glastonbury Festival, Glastonbury: The Wrong Arm Of The Law
England  9 Y The Heart Throbs Cover
7/7/1990 Record Mirror  N Begins with 'A long way from release is Paul Oakenfold's stunning remix of The Cure's 'Close To Me'...'
England  0.25 N O
7/21/1990 Unknown  N The Cure Announce Drastic Image Overhaul!
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
8/1/1990 Blitz  N The Cure - Roter Mund Auf Blassem Grund
Germany  1 Y C Author: Henk Van Bouwen
8/1/1990 Handbill  Y Never Enough Single And Mixed Up Album Advert
England  2 Y O
8/1/1990 Melody Maker  N Talk Talk Talk
England  1
8/1/1990 Melody Maker  N Bowled Over: Live Crystal Palace
England  2
8/1/1990 Rock & Folk  N Robert & Partners
France  4 Y O #277, James Brown Cartoon Cover, Author: Alain Gales
8/1/1990 Sounds  N Cure For Crystal Palace
England  0.5 Y O Author: Ian T Tilton, 8/90?
8/1/1990 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  57 #34, W/Transcript
8/1/1990 Unknown  N 8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Show Review
England  0.5 Y O
8/1/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure's Crystal Palace Garden Party gig this Saturday...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? 8/4/90 or 8/11/90?
8/2/1990 Bravo  P Verruckte Fans, Gruftis Und Doppelganger: Open-Air
Germany  3 Y O #32 David Hasselhoff Cover
8/2/1990 Tour Program  Y Pleasure Trips Tour (Prague, Czechoslovakia)
Czechoslovakia  32 Y O
8/4/1990 Melody Maker  N Rocky Mountain Blues - The Leysin Rock Festival (7-6-90 Leysin, Switzerland Show Review)
England  1 Y O Billy Idol Cover, Author: Push
8/4/1990 Unknown  N Cure - Remix Or Rip-Off?
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Sounds?
8/6/1990 Express  N Kaftan, Kreuze, Kerzen: 'The Cure' In Concert
Germany  1
8/7/1990 Union  N Kult Band The Cure Erstmalig In Dresden
Germany  1
8/11/1990 Melody Maker  N Gig Guide
England  0.5 Y O The Pixies Cover
8/18/1990 Sounds  N Bob's Full House (8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Show Review)
England  1 Y O Elvis Cover, Author: Sam King
8/25/1990 Melody Maker  N Mixed Up Article
England  Cocteau Twins Cover
8/25/1990 New Musical Express  N Curiouser & Cureiouser (8-11-90 London, England Crystal Palace Show Review)
England  1 Y O The Farm Cover, Author: Barbara Ellen
8/25/1990 Record Mirror  N Babble * Star * Spotting * Guide (Robert Smith)
Crystal Palace Bowl, London Show Review
England  0.75 Y O KLF Cover, Review Author: Claire Coakley
8/25/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure follow their highly successful appearance at the Crystal Palace Garden Party...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
8/31/1990 Rock & Pop  N Glastonbury '90
Czechoslovakia  John Cale Cover
9/1/1990 Anomalie  Y Fanzine
France  52 #1
9/1/1990 Best  N Les Depeches: Mixed Up
France  1 Y #266
9/1/1990 Crossbeat  N The Cure Play It Again, Smith
Japan  6 Y Vol. 3 #9, Keith Richards Cover
9/1/1990 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  50 #16
9/1/1990 P Unknown
England  Y Pink Floyd And Bruce Springsteen Cover
9/1/1990 Record Mirror  N News Item
England  Y S'Express
9/1/1990 Ritam  Y Glastonbury 90: 3 (NE)obicna Letnja Dana
Yugoslavia  4.25 Y O Author: Vojislav Nesic
9/1/1990 Rock This Town  N Show Devant: Werchter 8 Juillet 90
Belgium  1
9/1/1990 Tour Program  Y Het Volk
Belgium  1 Y O Many People Cover
9/1/1990 Zillo  N Begins with 'The Cure gehen demnachst ins Studio und spielen...'
Charts: Leser-Top-10 (Songs: #1 Pictures Of You, #4: Love Song, LPs: #1 Disintegration)
The Cure: Live 1990 - Roskhilde (DK) 30.6.90
The Cure: Never Enough
Germany  3.25 Y O #9, Dave Gahan (Depeche Mode) Cover
9/8/1990 Melody Maker  N The Glove
England  Y Sinead O'Connor
9/8/1990 New Musical Express  N Blue Sunshine Album Review
England  Adamski Cover
9/8/1990 Unknown  N 'Pornography' On The Airwaves?
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
9/15/1990 Melody Maker  N Radio Free Cure
England  0.5 Y O Neneh Cherry Cover
9/15/1990 New Musical Express  N Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me FM
England  1 Y O The Charlatans Cover, Author: Jerry Smith
9/15/1990 Rock & Pop  Y Unknown
9/20/1990 No. 1  N What's Up - Never Enough Single Review
England  0.25
9/21/1990 Chicago Tribune  N The Cure Meets The Banshees In The Glove
US  Author: Tom Popson
10/1/1990 Best  Y Reintegration
Three Imaginary Boys Album Review
France  7.5 Y O #267, Author: Youri Lenquette
10/1/1990 CD Mag  N Three Imaginary Boys Album Review
  1 #7
10/1/1990 New Musical Express  N Cap'n Bob's Pirate Show Back Afloat
England  0.5 Y O Melody Maker?
10/1/1990 Popcorn  N Beim Live-Gig In Dresden Brach Robert Zusammen
Germany  2 Y C #10, George Michael Cover, Authr: Martina Wimmer
10/1/1990 N Photographic Supplement (Picture Of The Cure 1979 B/W)
England  1 Y O #49, Volume 6: The Early Days, David Bowie Cover
10/1/1990 Rock Spirits  N Cure FM Review
Integration Box Set Review
Mixed Up Album Advert (Full Page)
Mixed Up Album Review
France  2 Y O #1, Dave Stewart Cover, Mixed Up Review Author: Christian Lamet
10/1/1990 Rolling Stone  N Paint It Black - Same As Above?
US  Author: Lauren Spencer
10/1/1990 Sassy  N Fifteen Minutes Of Robert Smith
10/1/1990 Select  N Under The Covers With Elektra
England  1 Y
10/3/1990 Smash Hits  N Unknown
England  Michael Jackson Cover
10/6/1990 Melody Maker  N Cure FM: Back On The Air
England  1 Y O Sisters Of Mercy Cover
10/6/1990 Oor  P The Cure: Draaikonten In De Remix
Netherlands  6 Y O #20, Janet Jackson Cover
10/18/1990 Bravo  N Cure Narrten Die Polizei
Germany  0.5 Y O #43, New Kids On The Block
10/20/1990 Melody Maker  N Birthday Blues (Rubaiyat Album Review)
Close To Me (Remix) Single Advert (Full Page)
Cure Get Close Again
England  1.75 Y O Ian Astbury (The Cult) And Wayne Hussey(The Mission) Cover, Author: Simon Reynolds
10/20/1990 New Musical Express  N Close To Me (Remix) Single Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O
10/25/1990 Unknown  Boys Don't Cry Single Review (Begins with 'Over a two-decade...')
US  0.5 Author: Tony Fletcher, Newsday?
10/27/1990 New Musical Express  Y Paint Your Bandwagon
Rubaiyat Album Advert
Rubaiyat Album Review (Begins with 'Bloody hell. 39 cover versions of songs by famous bands on Elektra Records...')
England  4.75 Y O Author: Roger Morton, Review Author: David Quantick
10/31/1990 Bravo  N Never Enough Single Review
Germany  0.5 Y O #45, Patrick Swayze Cover, Author: Hannsjorg Riemann
11/1/1990 Best  N Mixed Up Album Advert
Mixed Up Album Review
News (Begins with 'Cure, et bien sur et surtout son leader inconteste, Robert Smith, ...') (Robert Pic)
France  2.75 Y O #268, Review Author: Francois Gerald, I only have Mixed Up Advert.
11/1/1990 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas  N Like Cockatoos Song Lyrics
Brazil  2 Y New Kids On The Block Cover
11/1/1990 Conecte  N The Cure
Mexico  1 Y #571, Depeche Mode Cover
11/1/1990 El Gran Musical  Y Unknown
Spain  Y #329
11/1/1990 Free  N Digitale Kuur: Fantastische Metamorfose
Netherlands  1 Y Herman Brood Cover
11/1/1990 Guitare & Claviers   Y Incurable Robert Smith
Mixed Up Album Review
France  7.5 Y O #113, Article Author: Marc Zisman, Review Author: Nicolas Ungemuth
11/1/1990 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  54 #17
11/1/1990 Les Inrockuptibles  N Rubaiyat Album Advert
France  1 #26, Prefab Sprout Cover?
11/1/1990 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #20
11/1/1990 N '...and anyone else who knows me'
Left-Field (Rubaiyat Album Review)
England  3 Y O #50, Paul McCartney Cover, Author: Giles Smith
11/1/1990 Rock & Folk  N Mixed Up Album Advert
France  1 #279
11/1/1990 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  67 #35, W/Transcript
11/1/1990 VOX  N Cure FM: Broadcast Booze!
England  0.5 Y O #2, Author: Jerry Smith
11/1/1990 Worst  N Worst Preserve La Couche D'Ozone
France  0.5 Y
11/1/1990 Zillo  N Mixed Up Album Advert
Germany  0.5 Y Sisters Of Mercy Cover
11/3/1990 Melody Maker  P Cure Mix Up Out!
Mixed Up Album Review
Revolt In Style
England  2.5 Y O Dee-Lite Cover, Author: Push
11/10/1990 New Musical Express  N Advert For VOX W/Robert On The Cover (Full Page)
Our Price - Mixed Up Album Advert (Full Page)
Remixed Blessing (Mixed Up Album Review)
England  2.5 Y O Inspiral Carpets Cover, Review Author: Steve Lamacq, I don't have album review.
11/10/1990 Sounds  P 70 80 90 Decade Reaction (Begins with 'We go on the road with The Cure, who have just released their second album...')
For A Few Bob More (Mixed Up Album Review)
Robert Smith Cartoon Drawing
England  1 Y O The Charlatans Cover, Review Author: Paul Mardles
11/11/1990 Sunday Independent  N Cure Rock Sleepy Little West Town: Teenagers Blow Savings On Trip
England  0.5 Y Author: John Phillpotts
11/14/1990 Smash Hits  N Close To Me Lyrics
England  0.5 Y O
11/17/1990 Oor  N Mixed Up Album Advert
Netherlands  1 Y O #23
11/17/1990 Sounds  Y Kiss 'n Make Up
Robert Smith Says...
England  7 Y O Author: Sam King, R.S. Says Author: Andy Peart
11/17/1990 Unknown  N Begins with 'For most hardcore fans, it's The Cure's fourth album...'
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
11/18/1990 Los Angeles Times  N Elektra's Legacy Full Of Surprises (Rubaiyat Album Review)
US  Author: Richard Cromelin
11/22/1990 Bravo  N LP Der Woche: Mixed Up Album Review
Germany  0.25 Y O #48, Johnny Depp Cover
11/24/1990 Sounds  P The Crimson Scorcher
England  2 Y O Nick Cave Cover, Author: Ethlie Ann Vare
11/28/1990 Smash Hits  P Robert Poster (Robert Wearing Red Polka Dot Shirt, Picture Is From The Chest Up)
England  2 Y Nelson Cover
12/1/1990 Anomalie  Y Fanzine
France  52 Y #2
12/1/1990 CD Mag  N Mixed Up Album Review
  1 #8
12/1/1990 Cure News  Y Fanzine
England  20 Y O #10
12/1/1990 Decades  N Place De La Republique 6/21/90
Punk Is Not Dead
  3 #0, Fanzine
12/1/1990 Details  N Incureable:The Bigger The Headache, The Bigger The Cure
US  4.5 Y O A Guy And Penelope Ann Miller Cover
12/1/1990 Hit Songwords  N Never Enough Song Lyrics
Australia  Kylie Minogue Cover
12/1/1990 Melody Maker  N Review Of 1990 (Photo)
England  1
12/1/1990 Musik Express/Sounds  N Album Review
Germany  Marius Muller Cover
12/1/1990 Rock Spirits  Y Never Enough Single Review
Rubaiyat Album Review
The Cure - Story
France  16 Y O #2, Author: M.A. Digoix And TIB
12/1/1990 Select  N Mixed Up Album Review
England  Dave Gahan Cover
12/1/1990 Spin  N Mixed Up Album Advert
Paint It Black
US  3 Y O Vol. 6 #9, Faith No More Cover
12/1/1990 The Street  N Mixing Up A Cure
Wrap Up A Hit - Mixed Up Album Advert (Full Page, Back Cover)
US  4.25 Y O Vol. 3 #11, Phil Collins Cover, Author: Jeff Dickerson
12/1/1990 Unknown  N Albums: The Cure 'Entreat' (Begins with ' The Cure remain the world's only consistently...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Date?
12/1/1990 VOX  Y Mixed-Up Kid
England  7.25 Y O #3
12/2/1990 Los Angeles Times  N 20 Bands That Matter
US  Author: Robert Hilburn
12/12/1990 Smash Hits  P Robert Poster (Robert Close Up, Wearing Black Polka Dot Shirt)
Robert Smith Of The Cure
England  1.5 Y Madonna Cover
12/15/1990 New Musical Express  N Presence News Item (Begins with 'Laurence Tolhurst, founding member of The Cure, emerges from a two year seclusion...')
England  0.25 Y Beautiful South Cover
12/22/1990 Melody Maker  P A Suitable Case For Entreatment
Cure, Mondays & Ozzy Headline Wembley Concert Series
Elektra Glide In Blue (Rubaiyat Album Review)
Review Of 1990
England  4 Y O The Farm Cover
12/26/1990 Agori  N The Cure - Never Enough
Greece  1 Y #711, Lita Ford Cover
1/1/1991 Alternative Press  N Picture Show Video Advert (Full Page)
US  1 Y #40, Urge Overkill Cover
1/1/1991 Bizz  N 100 Years Lyrics (W/Band Picture From Brazil '87 All In White Shirts)
Brazil  2 Y O Bizz?
1/1/1991 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas  N One Hundred Years Song Lyrics
Brazil  2 Y Yazz Cover, Date?
1/1/1991 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas   N Never Enough (Big Mix) Single Lyrics (Robert Up Front With Sweater On, Band In Red Background)
Brazil  2 Y O Date? Roxette Cover
1/1/1991 Blue Jean  N Robert Poster (Close Up Wearing White Shirt With Roses On It)
Turkey  2 Y Madonna Cover, 1993?
1/1/1991 Book By Unknown  Y Disintegration Guitar Tablature
England  100 Y O
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Cure Poster
Germany  Jason Donovan Cover?
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Robert Verschenkt 100 LPs Und Sein Hemd!
Germany  0.5 Y O
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Unknown
Germany  #15, Richard Tyson Cover
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Tufteln Im Studio
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Star-Special: The Cure
Germany  0.5 Y O
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Robert: 'Rattennest' Am Hinterkopf
Germany  0.5 Y O
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Article
Cure Poster
Germany  #31, David Hasselhoff
1/1/1991 Bravo  N Cure Poster
Germany  #28
1/1/1991 Calendar  Y Official 1991 Calendar (Danilo)
England  12 Y O
1/1/1991 Conecte  Y The Cure: El Proyecto del Disco Mixed Up
Mexico  4 Y O #577
1/1/1991 Fono Rama  Y Fanzine
Poland  6 Y O #6/7
1/1/1991 Kissing Booklet   Y Fanzine
France  54 Y C #18
1/1/1991 Kolner Express  N Cure - Live LP Neu Aufgelegt
Germany  0.25
1/1/1991 Musik Express/Sounds  N Play Out Video Review
Germany  0.25
1/1/1991 Musik Express/Sounds  N Strom? Nein Danke!
Germany  1
1/1/1991 Musik Express/Sounds  N Play Out Video Advert
Germany  0.5 Y O
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Live London Town & Country Club 2
England  1
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N 1-17-91 London, England Town & Country Club 2 Show Review
England  0.5 Y Author: Dele Fadele
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Entreat Album Review (Begins with 'Mayhem-inducing marketing strategies...')
England  0.25 N O Author: Simon Williams, New Musical Express?
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Presence - London, England Camden Palace Show Review
England  0.25 N O Author: Jerry Smith, New Musical Express?
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N See The Cure
England  0.5 Y O ?/21/9? (I can't read date).
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Entreat Album Review (Begins with 'The hollowness of Bob Smith's voice...')
England  0.5 N O Author: David Quantick
1/1/1991 New Musical Express  N The Brits Awards 1991
England  0.5
1/1/1991 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #21
1/1/1991 POP/Rocky  N Sie Verbreiten Das Kalte Grausen
Germany  1 Y C Bravo?
1/1/1991 Popcorn  N Es Gibt Nichts, Woran Ich Glauben Kann
Germany  2
1/1/1991 N Begins with 'A little freelance foldback consultancy during...' (With Pic Of Robert In Front Of Soundboard)
England  0.25 Y O
1/1/1991 Rage  N Robert Poster (Robert Hanging Upside Down From Never Enough Video)
Ruck 'N' Roll
England  4 Y O Date?
1/1/1991 Record Mirror  N The Brits 1991: Great British Music Weekend Show Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O
1/1/1991 Rockin' On  N Mixed Up Album Advert (Full Page)
Robert Smith Interview: The Cure
Japan  7 Y O
1/1/1991 Season  Y El Enigma? Resuelto? - Poster Only (Like Cover)
Chile  2 Y O #1
1/1/1991 Select  N Play Out Video Advert
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1991 Smash Hits  N Review Singles: Reviewed By Robert Smith Of The Cure
England  1 Y O Author: Robert Smith
1/1/1991 Sounds  N The Essence
England  0.5 Y O Author: Andy Peart
1/1/1991 Sub Line  N Die Bombe Tickt!
Germany  0.5 Y O Author: Mike LaVella
1/1/1991 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  7 #36
1/1/1991 Tutto Disco  N I Cure Live! (Begins with 'Da pochissimi giorni a disposizione dei numerosi fans dei Cure il nuovo mini L.P. intitolato 'Entreat'...'
Italy  0.5 Y #6, Madonna Cover
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Unplugged: The Cure - Akoestisch
Germany  0.25 Y C
1/1/1991 Unknown  N What's Happened To The Cure?
England  0.25 Y O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Crap Things Fans Do: No. 1
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Tim Pope Must Direct!
England  0.5 Y O Author: Iestyn George
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Mein groBtes Ziel ist dasselbe wie vor 20 Jahren einmal...'
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N High Priests Of Pope (Picture Show Video Review)
England  0.5 Y O Q? VOX? England or US? Author: Stephen Dalton
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Play Out Video Advert
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N A Complete Cure And Picture Show Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Presence - In Wonder Review (Begins with 'Had anyone ever heard of Lol Tolhurst's band before...')
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Presence (Picture Only)
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Ex-Cure member Lol Tolhurst has formed a new band, Presence...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Screen - New Music Videos: The Cure Picture Show Video Review
England  0.5 Y O Author: Nick Griffiths
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Progress to the heights for Cure founder Lol Tolhurst's new band Presence...'
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Presence - Act Of Faith Advert
England  0.25 Y O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Briefly... the June 24 edition will feature the Cure' (About MTV Unplugged)
US  0.25 N O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Contrary to press reports, the organisers of the Reading Festival... The Cure are believed to be the next major act...'
England  0.25 N O 3-2?-91, NME? MM?
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'The blessing of Robert Smith is bestowed on Cranes' new single, Jewel...'
England  0.25 N O
1/1/1991 Unknown  N Play Out Video Advert
Japan  1 Y O
1/5/1991 Melody Maker  N 1990 Pick Of The Year (Simon)
England  Ride Cover
1/5/1991 Unknown  N 1-19-91 London, England Show Advert (Great British Music Weekend)
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/12/1991 New Musical Express  N Show Advert
England  0.25 Y C KLF Cover, I don't have the show advert.
1/12/1991 Sounds  P 1-19-91 Great British Music Weekend Show Advert
Poll Winner - Promo Video (#1 Never Enough)
Robert Smith Musician Of The Year (1990 Poll Results)
The Fruitiest, Juiciest Column In Pop - Yes! Another Lucky Reader Wins: A Day Out With... The Cure!!!
England  3.25 Y O Pixies Cover
1/12/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Finally, mention must be made of Digitalis, Presence, and Banderas, three new names...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
1/17/1991 Bravo  P Robert Poster (Close Up Of Head, Hand On Side Of Face, Black Sweater, White T-Shirt Underneath)
Wir Werden Nie Wieder Auf Tournee Gehen!
Germany  3 Y O #4, Vanilla Ice Cover
1/19/1991 Tour Program  Y Great British Music Weekend
England  4 Y O
1/26/1991 Melody Maker  Y The Great British Music Weekend
England  3 Y O Author: Steve Sutherland
1/26/1991 New Musical Express  P Unknown
England  Jesus Jones Cover
1/26/1991 Sounds  N Robert Live '89 Photo
England  0.5 Y O
1/31/1991 Rock & Pop  N Unknown
Czechoslovakia  Phil Collins Cover
2/1/1991 Best  N CD Concert Pirate Cure 81 Advert?
France  1 #270
2/1/1991 Bizz  N A Cura Pela Danca
Brazil  3 Y O Michael Hutchence (INXS) Cover
2/1/1991 Melody Maker  N Side Lines: Presence
The Brits Awards 1991
England  2
2/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Cure Genius (Interview Presence)
England  3
2/1/1991 New Musical Express  N The Secret Diary Of Robert Smith, Aged 40 Waist
England  1
2/1/1991 Popcorn  N Cure Poster
Germany  #2, Matthias Reim
2/1/1991 Sassy  N Interview With Robert
Robert Poster (Robert Behind Cellophane, Photo Circa '85)
US  8 Y O Model Cover
2/1/1991 Select  N Boys Don't Cry (Presence Article)
England  1 Y O
2/1/1991 Zillo  N Play For Today Bootleg Review
Germany  Happy Mondays Cover
2/9/1991 About  N Article About Lol
England  Dee-Lite Cover
2/9/1991 Melody Maker  N Lol Tolhurst Article About Presence
Presence - In Wonder Advert
England  2 Y O Dee-Lite Cover, I only have Presence Advert
2/9/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Ex-Cure man Lol Tolhurst's new band, Presence, release their debut single...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
2/14/1991 Rock & Pop  Unknown
Czechoslovakia  David Gahan (Depeche Mode) Cover
2/16/1991 Melody Maker  N Brits Bust Up
The Brits 1991 Advert (Full Page)
England  2 Y O KLF Cover
2/16/1991 New Musical Express  N Presence - In Wonder Advert
England  0.5 Y O Happy Mondays Cover
2/16/1991 Sounds  N Interview W/Presence
England  0.5
2/16/1991 Sounds  N Born Under A Wondering Star (Presence)
England  0.5 Y O Author: Andy Peart
2/16/1991 Unknown  N Presence - In Wonder Single Review (Begins with 'Ignore the 12-inch disco drivel mix...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
2/23/1991 Melody Maker  N Side Lines: Presence
England  1 Y O
2/23/1991 Record Mirror  N Presence - In Wonder Advert
England  0.25 Y O
2/23/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'A London-based rock group is seeking an injunction against Laurence Tolhurst...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
2/23/1991 Unknown  N Presence - In Wonder Single Review (Begins with 'The return of Lol Tolhurst, and if you're on of those sad...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
3/1/1991 Decades  N Close To Me (Remix) Single Review
Mixed Up Album Review
Never Enough Single Review
  1 #1, Fanzine
3/1/1991 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  48 #19
3/1/1991 Les Inrockuptibles  N Entreat Album Advert
Supermen: Guide Tres Photogenique De 5 Ans D'Inrockuptibles (Insert)
France  1 #28
3/1/1991 Lime Lizard  Y The Cure: Interview With Robert Smith Pt. 1
England  9 Y O Author: Britt Collins
3/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Begins with 'Before leaving the house, I usually make sure that my wife is in the car...'
England  0.25 N
3/1/1991 Popcorn  N Cure Poster
Germany  Pet Shop Boys Cover
3/1/1991 Select  N Live And Direct Special - Saturday January 19 (Great British Music Weekend Show Review)
England  1 Y O
3/1/1991 VOX  N A Subtle Cure: We Love You All! ('Saturday' Festival Wembley 91)
England  4.25 Y O Wendy James Cover, Author: Martin Townsend
3/7/1991 Bravo  N Raritat Fur Treue Fans
Germany  0.25 Y O #11 Richard Grieco Cover
3/9/1991 Unknown  N Presence Imperfect
England  0.25 Y O
3/20/1991 Smash Hits  N News
England  Y Chesney Hawkes Cover
3/23/1991 Melody Maker  N Cure's Live LP: Official Release (Entreat Update)
England  Ocean Colour Scene/Chapterhouse Cover
3/23/1991 Sounds  N Cure's Live LP Released - And Reading Looks Likely
England  1 Y O Ocean Colour Scene/Chapterhouse Cover, Author: Greg Freeman
3/30/1991 Melody Maker  N Entreat Album Advert (Full Page)
Our Price - Happy Daze v2 Album Advert (Full Page)
Trick Or Entreat? (Entreat Album Review)
England  2.75 Y O Transvision Vamp Cover, Author: Andrew Mueller, Entreat Advert On Back Cover
3/30/1991 New Musical Express  N Entreat Album Advert (Full Page)
Our Price - Happy Daze V2 Album Advert (Full Page)
England  2 Y O Ned's Atomic Dustbin Cover
3/30/1991 Sounds  N Time To Kill (Entreat Album Review)
England  1 Y O The Farm Cover, Author: Tim Peacock, I have only the picture, not the review. 3/31/91?
3/30/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure release a special low-price live albums...'
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
4/1/1991 Best  N Cure Unplugged
France  0.5 Y #273, Mano Negra Cover
4/1/1991 Bizz  N The Cure - 10:15 Saturday Night Lyrics
Brazil  2 Y O
4/1/1991 Eres  N The Cure
Mexico  3 Y Angelica And Arango Cover
4/1/1991 Lime Lizard  N Happy Daze V2 Album Advert
The Cure: Interview With Robert Smith Pt. 2
England  7 Y O Ride Cover, Author: Britt Collins
4/1/1991 Q   N Intimate: Concert Town & Country II
England  2 Y O #55, R.E.M. Cover, Author: John Aizelwood
4/1/1991 Rock Spirits  N Entreat Abonnement
Entreat Album Advert
France  1.25 Y O #4, Rick Astley Cover
4/1/1991 Select  N Entreat Album Review (Begins with 'After the Cure's contemporary foray...')
Pulling The Plug On The Cure
England  1.25 Y O Boy George Cover, Review Author: Lucy O'Brien
4/1/1991 VOX  N Entreat Album Review
England  0.5 Y O Author: Kevin Whitlock
4/1/1991 Zillo  P Entreat Album Advert
Entreat Album Review
Offizielles 'Bootlegging' Actuelles Beispiel: The Cure
'Play For Today'
Germany  5.5 Y O #4, Violent Femmes and Sex Pistols Cover
4/5/1991 Entertainment Weekly  N They Want To Be Alone
US  0.25 Y O Author: JF
4/6/1991 New Musical Express  N Album Review
England  Tim Booth (James) Cover
4/15/1991 Musik Markt  N Wiederauflage Einer Zum Sammlerobjekt Gewordenen Live-LP
Germany  1
5/1/1991 Best  N Unknown
France  #274, Bob Marley Cover
5/1/1991 Musik Express/Sounds  N Album Review
Germany  The Doors Cover
5/1/1991 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #23
5/1/1991 Rockin' On  N The Cure (Picture Of Robert Singing Live Circa '85 With Guitar From Siouxsie Era)
Japan  1 Y O #1, Led Zeppelin Cover
5/1/1991 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  56 #37
5/1/1991 VOX  N Our Price - Entreat Album Advert
England  1 Y O
5/8/1991 Bravo  N So Fing Alles An, Die Konige Des Gruft-Rock
Germany  1 Y O #20, Kevin Costner Cover
5/11/1991 Melody Maker  N Begins with 'The Cure's album 'Entreat' has so far raised...'
England  0.25 Y O Siouxsie And The Banshees Cover
5/11/1991 Unknown  N 5-15-91 London, England Underworld Show Advert
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
5/11/1991 Unknown  N 5-15-91 Presence Show Advert
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM? Sounds?
5/11/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Presence, Lauence Tolhurst's post Cure combo...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
5/11/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Lol Tolhurst's new band Presence, release a new single...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
5/12/1991 Rock & Pop  N Unknown
Czechoslovakia  Iron Maiden Cover
5/18/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Lol Tolhurst's battle with another band called Presence...'
England  0.25 N O MM? NME?
5/23/1991 Bravo  N Band Sticker (Band Faces Going Vertical With Letters Spelling Cure)
Germany  0.25 Y O Cresney Hawkes Cover
5/25/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Presence, ex-Cure man Lol Tolhurst's new combo, follow last week's first ever...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
6/1/1991 Anomalie  Y Fanzine
France  58 #3
6/1/1991 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  48 #20
6/1/1991 Les Inrockuptibles  N A Forest CD Single
Assemblage Box Set Advert
Mixed Up Box Set
France  1 #30
6/1/1991 Line In  N Entreat Album Review
6/1/1991 Melody Maker  N Presence - All I See Advert
England  0.5 Y O
6/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Presence - All I See Advert
England  0.5 Y O
6/1/1991 Rock Spirits  N Un Album A Ecouter Le Samedi Soir
France  6 Y Author: Sahsa Stojanovic
6/1/1991 Unknown  N Presence - All I See Single Review (Begins with 'Poor old Lol Tolhurst...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
6/1/1991 Zillo  N Bizarre Festival Show Review
Germany  Morrissey Cover
6/7/1991 Rock & Pop  N Album Or Single Review
Czechoslovakia  Judas Priest Cover
6/15/1991 New Musical Express  N The Best Laid Planets... (London, England Crystal Palace Show Review)
England  1 Y O Erasure Cover, Review Author: John Mulvey
6/22/1991 Melody Maker  Y Presence 6-19-91 London, England The Marquee Show Advert #1
Presence 6-19-91 London, England The Marquee Show Advert #2
The Cure Visionary Chic
England  4.25 Y O Author: Steve Sutherland
6/22/1991 New Musical Express  N Presence 06-19-91 London, England The Marquee Show Advert
England  0.25 Y O
7/1/1991 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  24 Y O #24
7/1/1991 Rock And Roll Comics  Y The Cure
US  Y O #30
7/1/1991 Rockin' On  N Entreat Album Advert (Full Page, Back Of Front Cover)
Robert Poster (Live, Wearing Blurry Flowered Shirt With Black Sweater Over It, Singing Into Mic)
Japan  2 Y O Vol. 2 #7?, Mick Jagger Cover
7/4/1991 Bravo  N Cure Poster
Germany  #28, Richard Grieco
7/6/1991 Unknown  N England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
7/6/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Presence, ex/The Cure keyboard player Lol Tolhurst's band...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
7/13/1991 New Musical Express  N Picture Show Video Advert
England  0.5 Y O Ice-T Cover
7/13/1991 Record Mirror  N Presence (Begins with 'When Laurence 'Lol' Tolhurst parted company with his pals in The Cure...')
England  0.25 Y O
7/20/1991 Unknown  N Presence - 7-20-91 London, England The Venue Show Advert
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
8/1/1991 Best  N Abonnez-Vous A Best Et Choisissez Un Cadeau!
Back To Compact
De Fiction A Non-Fiction
France  6.25 Y O #277, Slash Cover, Author: Catherine Chantoiseau
8/1/1991 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  42 #21
8/1/1991 Musik Express/Sounds  N Unknown
Germany  Guns 'N Roses Cover
8/1/1991 Rock & Folk  N Integrale 79/91
Le Son Et L'Image
France  7 Y O #288, Transvision Vamp (Wendy Smoking Cigarette) Cover, Author: Alain Gales
8/1/1991 Select  Y Advert
Cure Vids!
I'm Getting One Of My Headaches
Picture Show Review
England  10.5 Y O Author: Chris Heath
8/1/1991 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  56 #38
8/1/1991 VOX  N Begins with 'Such is the demand for mystery-making...'
Picture Show Video Advert (1/2 Page)
England  0.75 Y O I only have advert.
8/3/1991 Billboard  N Picture Show Video Advert (Full Page, Robert Self-Portrait)
US  1 Y O
8/3/1991 TV Guide  N MTV Heads And Threads
US  1 Y C
8/3/1991 Unknown  N My First Gig (Marijne Van Der Vlugt Of Salad)
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM? Date?
8/4/1991 Los Angeles Times  N Picture Show Video Review
US  Author: Steve Hochman
8/21/1991 Entertainment Weekly  N Unknown
US  Red Hot Chili Peppers Cover
9/1/1991 Anomalie  Y Fanzine
France  46 #4
9/1/1991 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  24 Y O #25
9/1/1991 N Picture Show Video Review
England  0.25 N O Author: John Aizlewood
9/1/1991 Record Collector  Y Cure On Back Cover
England  1 Y O #145, Led Zeppelin, U2, and Heart Cover
9/1/1991 Spin  N Picture Show Video Advert
US  1
9/1/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure's Robert Smith, looking all podgy at a cashpoint in Kensington High...'
England  0.25 N O
9/4/1991 Smash Hits  N Videos - The Cure (Picture Show Video Review)
France  0.25 Y O
9/7/1991 Melody Maker  N Retroactive - First Aid Kit (Assemblage Box Set Review)
England  1 Y O EMF Cover, Author: Andrew Mueller
9/18/1991 Smash Hits  N Cure Magistral
France  1 Y O Madonna Cover
10/1/1991 Cure News  Y Fanzine
England  20 Y O #11
10/1/1991 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  54 #22
10/1/1991 Record Hunter  N Info City: Curiouser And Curiouser (Begins with 'After reading the Cure discography in Vox (December 1990) I've a couple of questions...')
England  0.25 Y O
10/1/1991 Select  N Photo Robert Smith 85
Swag! The Cure CD Boxed Sets!
England  1 #16
11/1/1991 New Musical Express  N Bluffer's Guide To Goth: Ghoul's Out
England  4
11/1/1991 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  24 Y O #26
11/1/1991 Pulse  N Picture Of Band (Robert In Front In Crumpled Blue Shirt)
US  0.25 Y O
11/1/1991 Select  N Absolution Compilation Advert
England  1 #17
11/1/1991 VOX  N Picture Of Robert Smith
England  1 Y O Erasure Cover, No Article - Only Photo of Robert Smith
11/2/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure: 'Kiss Me! Kiss Me! Kiss Me!' Twice the usual poovery...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
11/9/1991 Melody Maker  N Cure Video
England  0.5 Y O James Cover
11/9/1991 New Musical Express  N Begins with 'The Cure, currently in the studio working on a new LP to follow 1989's 'Disintegration'...'
Carry On Screening! (Play Out Screening Contest)
England  0.5 Y O My Bloody Valentine Cover
11/23/1991 New Musical Express  N Our Price - Play Out Video Advert
Play Out Video Review (Begins with 'The allure of The Cure Play Out initially rests with how interested you are in watching them wandering...')
Presence 11-28-91 Camden, England Electric Ballroom Show Advert
Tour News: Presence (Begins with 'Presence, gloomy guitar band fronted by former Cure member Lol Tolhurst...')
England  1 Y O Nirvana Cover, Author: Steve Lamacq
11/23/1991 Unknown  N Presence 11-28-91 Camden, England Electric Ballroom Show Advert
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM? #1
11/30/1991 New Musical Express  N Begins with 'Gothic icon Bob Smith (below) and rag doll...'
Gothic Music Article
England  0.25 Y O Tony Wilson Cover, I don't have Gothic article.
11/30/1991 Unknown  N Begins with 'Goth icon Bob Smith (below) and rag doll from Nightmareland lookalike (above)'
England  0.25 Y O NME or Sounds, not MM.
12/1/1991 Kissing Booklet  Y Fanzine
France  50 #23
12/1/1991 Rockin' On  N Robert Smith Interview
Japan  3 Led Zeppelin Cover
12/1/1991 Three Imaginary Boys  Y Fanzine
France  62 #39, W/Transcript
12/5/1991 Rage Rage  N Band Poster (Faces)
Competition - Win Cure Videos
England  2.25 Y O Vic Reeves Cover
12/21/1991 Melody Maker  P Brits Hit The Fans
Quotes Of The Year
The Best Of Brit-ish
The Cure (Begins with 'Voted Best British Band at the BRITS...')
England  4.5 Y O REM Cover
1/1/1992 7 Extra  P Unknown
Belgium  2 Y Madonna Cover
1/1/1992 Alternative Comics  P The Cure
US  Y O #1, REM Cover
1/1/1992 B Mag  Y Unknown
France  Y
1/1/1992 Banda Rockera  Y La Cura
Mexico  3 Y
1/1/1992 Best  N Les Depeches - Grande Bretagne
France  1 #282, Les Negresses Vertes
1/1/1992 Best Of Cure  Y Interview Exclusive de Robert Smith La Tournee Americaine
France  99 Y O Best Hors Serie #4, Exclusive Cure Issue, Authors: Andy Gardiner, Jean-Marc Diana, Richard Bellia, Mad JT, Three Imaginary Boys, Patrick Eudeline, Johnny Mallarme, Gilles Riberolles, And Christian Eudeline
1/1/1992 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas   N A Letter To Elise Single Lyrics (Robert Close Up Smiling Big W/Red, Crooked Lipstick)
Brazil  2 Y O Alice In Chains Cover, Date?
1/1/1992 Book By Ranier Bunnefeld  Y The Cure Discography
US  102 Y O
1/1/1992 Book By Ross Clarke  Y Success, Corruption, And Lies
England  224 Y O
1/1/1992 Book By Unknown  Y Wish Guitar Tablature
England  116 Y O
1/1/1992 Book By Unknown  Y Standing On A Beach Guitar Tablature
England  104 Y O
1/1/1992 Bravo  N A Letter To Elise Single Review (Begins with 'Bewahrte Cure-Qualitat. Dicht gewebter Sound im...')
Germany  0.25 Y O Bravo?
1/1/1992 Bravo  N Bravo - Robert Tarot Card
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Bravo  N The Cure Star-Special
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Bravo  N Songbook: Friday I'm In Love
Germany  0.5
1/1/1992 Bravo  N Band Poster 1992
Germany  1 Y O
1/1/1992 Bravo  N Songbook - High Lyrics
Germany  0.5 Y O Luke Perry Cover
1/1/1992 Bravo  N High Single Review (Begins with 'High hat alle wichtigen Elemente eines Cure-Hits...')
Germany  0.25 Y O Bravo?
1/1/1992 Bravo  N The Cure: 5 Facts, Die Ihr Wissen MuBt
Germany  0.25 Y O Bravo?
1/1/1992 Bravo - Girl  N Nie Wieder Gruft
Germany  0.25
1/1/1992 Bravo - Girl  N Wunschkind Fur The Cure
Germany  0.5
1/1/1992 Bremer  N Look Moon, I'm Dead
Germany  2
1/1/1992 Concert  N Auf Tour Im Oktobert Tourdaten
Germany  1
1/1/1992 Dallas Newspaper  N Cure Photo (Begins with 'The Cure brings its brand of dark punk to Texas Stadium...')
US  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Free  N The Cure: Een Vlijmscherpe Come Back
Netherlands  Mark Knopfler (Dire Straits) Cover
1/1/1992 Free Rock  N Unknown
Spain  1 Def Con Dos Cover, Date?
1/1/1992 Guitar Player  N A Frethead's Cure Discographie, Biographie, And Interview
England  10
1/1/1992 Guitar World Acoustic  N Friday I'm In Love
US  Neil Young Cover
1/1/1992 Handbill  N High Single Advert (2 Sided)
US  2 Y O
1/1/1992 Hit  N Lebenslust Und Lebensfrust
Germany  3
1/1/1992 Hot!  Y 6-11-92 Austin, Texas Show Review
The Cure: Strange
Brazil  13.5 Y O #1
1/1/1992 Hot!  N Flash - Cure (Picture Of Robert Circa '90 Looking Through Paint Smears)
Brazil  2 Y Madonna Cover
1/1/1992 Indiecator   N The Cult Collection
Germany  8
1/1/1992 Indiecator  N Sind Sie Nun Geheimnisvoll? (Including Lyric Sheet)
Germany  7
1/1/1992 Indiecator  Y Robert Poster
The Cure: 'A Pain In The Ass?'
Germany  Y
1/1/1992 Kissing Booklet   Y Fanzine
France  50 Y C #25
1/1/1992 La Onda  P Los Genios Viven
Ecuador  #36, Fernando And Catherine Cover
1/1/1992 La Vie Du Rai  N Cure De Jouvence
France  1 Y Author: Bruno Mousel
1/1/1992 Lancamento  N The Cure - HOT!
Brazil  16
1/1/1992 Live Music  N Il Principe Paranoia Si Diverte
Italy  3 #1
1/1/1992 Live Music  P Italy  4 Y #1, Peter Gabriel Cover
1/1/1992 Mega Hits  P A Letter To Elise Single Lyrics
Robert Poster (Exact Replica Of Bravo Poster, Robert Wearing Black Polka Dot Shirt, Hands Together)
Brazil  3 Y O #4
1/1/1992 Melody Maker  N Reader's Poll 91
England  6
1/1/1992 Metronome Musik - Magazin  Y The Cure - Neues Album : Wish
Germany  2 Y O #4, Author: Ange Tordert
1/1/1992 Music Life  N The Cure
Japan  2 Y Guns 'N Roses Cover
1/1/1992 Music Life  N Cure Poster With Calendar (For July 1992)
Japan  3 Y O
1/1/1992 Musik Express/Sounds  N Wish Album Advert
Germany  1 Y O
1/1/1992 Musik Express/Sounds  N 33 Und Kein BiBchen Weise Robert Smith
Germany  4
1/1/1992 New Musical Express  N Cure's Olympic Games
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1992 New Musical Express  N A Letter To Elise Single Review (Begins with 'G: Arrgh! The Cure! We've reviewed one of their singles before...')
England  0.25 N O 6/27/92?
1/1/1992 New Musical Express  N The Cure - A Visual Documentary Book Advert (Begins with, 'What did Robert Smith get for Christmas in 1972?')
England  0.25 Y O Date?
1/1/1992 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #27
1/1/1992 Oxmox   N Noch Vor Wenigen Jahren Waren Cure Die Helden...
Germany  1
1/1/1992 Parade  N Begins with 'Q: I'd like to know three things about Robert Smith...'
US  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Podium  N Cure Au Mieux De Leur Forme
France  1
1/1/1992 POP/Rocky  Article
Germany  #15, Kris Kross Cover
1/1/1992 POP/Rocky  N Song-Book: High
Star-Info: The Cure
Germany  1 Y O
1/1/1992 POP/Rocky  N Haben The Cure Das Notig?
Germany  0.5
1/1/1992 POP/Rocky  N Cure: Betrogene Fans Durften Gratis Ins Konzert
Germany  1 Y O
1/1/1992 Popcorn  N Gruftparty Bei Cure Shows, Robert LaBt Sich Gegen Flugangst Spritzen
Germany  1.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Popcorn  N LP Des Monats
Germany  0.25
1/1/1992 Popcorn  N Smith Knocked Out
Germany  0.25
1/1/1992 Popcorn (Nonkopn)  Y Unknown
Greece  Y
1/1/1992 Premiera  N Cure Poster
Czechoslovakia  Y Mickey Rourke Cover
1/1/1992 N Hairy Monsters A Consumer Guide To The Cure
England  2 Y O
1/1/1992 N Wish Album Review (Begins with 'With the single Friday I'm In Love, The Cure's big cheese...')
England  0.25 Y O Q?
1/1/1992 Querida  N Com Seu Visual Dark A Banda...
Brazil  1
1/1/1992 Record Collector  N News For The Record: New Cure Discovery
England  0.25 N O Record Collector? 92?
1/1/1992 Record Collector  N Pope Muses Over Brothels And Robert Smith's Jumper
England  0.5 Y O Author: PG, Record Collector? 92?
1/1/1992 Record Collector  N Diggin' For Gold: Rare! '10.15 Saturday Night' / 'Foxy Lady'
England  0.5 Y O Author: Martin O'Gorman, Record Collector?
1/1/1992 Rock & Folk  N Generation Compilation Cover
1/1/1992 Rock America  P Unknown
Mexico  Y Caifane 5 Cover
1/1/1992 Rock Press  Y Pide Un Deseo
Wish Album Review
Mexico  12 Y O #11
1/1/1992 Rolling Stone  P Unknown
US  Y Summer Special
1/1/1992 Rolling Stone  N Begins with 'Cure fans had their Wish come true at a junior-high-get-high-and-listen-to-Led Zeppelin-style laser-light listening party...'
Australia  0.25 Y O Rolling Stone? Australia?
1/1/1992 San Diego Reader  N 6/24/92 San Diego, California 91X Show Advert (Different)
US  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 San Diego Reader  N 6/24/92 San Diego, California 91X Show Advert (Different)
US  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Smash Hits  N Caught In The Act: Robert Are You Alright? (Friday I'm In Love Video Shoot)
England  1 Y O
1/1/1992 Smash Hits  N Portrait: The Cure 'High'
England  2
1/1/1992 Stadt Szene  N Dicker Robert, Boses Kind
Germany  1 Y C Author: Martina Wagner, Date?, Magazine Title?
1/1/1992 Star Club  N Friday I'm In Love Lyrics
France  0.5
1/1/1992 Star Club  N High Lyrics
France  0.5
1/1/1992 Studyo Imge  N Unknown
Turkey  4 Y Guns 'N Roses Cover
1/1/1992 Sub Line  N Cure: England Open Air
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Sunday Mag  N The Miracle Cure
England  1 Y Author: Simon Kinnersley
1/1/1992 Super  N Unknown
France  #51, Michael Jackson Cover
1/1/1992 Tele-Loisirs  N Le Nouveau Depart De 5 Garcons
France  1
1/1/1992 The West Australian  N Wish Album Advert (With Pictures Of All Album Covers And Videos)
Australia  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Three Imaginary Boys   Y Fanzine
France  5 N C Vol. 41-42 #2-3, With Transcript
1/1/1992 Three Imaginary Boys   Y Fanzine
France  52 Y C Vol. 40 #1
1/1/1992 Three Imaginary Boys   Y Fanzine
France  52 Y C Vol. 43 #4, With Transcript
1/1/1992 Tour Program  Y Wish Tour
US  24 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wandlung Der Grufties Friede Freude Friday
Germany  1
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album Review (Begins with 'Wer nach dem '89er-Album Disintegration...')
Germany  0.25 Y O Author: wt
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'A bootleg rip-off on The Cure's last tour has belatedly come to light...'
England  0.25 N O Date?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N La Gloire De Robert
France  1
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure Wish - Their brightest, most tuneful work in years...'
England  0.25 Y O Q? VOX?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N 'High' In The Charts (Pic Of Robert, No Article)
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Cure Answers Fans' Wishes
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Tihean Isaan
Unknown  2
1/1/1992 Unknown  N En Suostu Kasvamaan Ikuuseki!
Unknown  2
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Van Zwart Getinte Onheilsprofeten Tot Het Establishment?
Netherlands  1
1/1/1992 Unknown  N The Cure Til Danmark
Netherlands  0.25 Y O Author: Rolsted
1/1/1992 Unknown  N 4-21-92 Bradford, England St. George's Hall Show Review (Begins with 'In the cool night air...')
England  0.25 N O MM? Sounds?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Simon Gallup's Off!
England  0.5 Y
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Cure, Ovvero Robert Smith
Italy  2
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Cheveux Longs, Idees Cure
France  0.25
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Dark Dance
France  1
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Unknown
Russia  1 Y C With Transcript
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Swing Tour UK Advert
England  0.25 Y
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album Review (Begins with 'Funny how the Tim Pope video for 'Wish' promises antics...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Tower Records - Wish Album Advert
England  1 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure & The Mission, zwei der wichtigsten Vetreter des Gothic Rocks...'
Germany  0.25 Y O VIVA?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Band Poster (Cloud Background, Band With Arms Outstretched, Robert In Flowered Shirt, The Cure Spelled Out In Pink, Blue, Yellow, And White)
France  2 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N The Cure Get High
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Quo Vadis Robert Smith?
Germany  0.5
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Tour Germany Advert
Germany  0.5 Y
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Robert, El Jefe De The Cure - 'iSera Nuestra Ultima Gira Mundial!'
Argentina  1 Y O Argentina? Brazil?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album Advert (With Wish Eye)
England  1 Y O Q? VOX? Select?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N The Boy Who Won't Grow Up
Unknown  1 Author: Simon Reynolds
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album Advert (Like Album Cover)
England  1 Y O Q? VOX? Select?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album And Play Out Video Advert (With Wish Eye And Ear)
England  1 Y O Q? VOX? Select?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'An unusually Revlonless Robert Smith arriving for a 'secret' gig in Liverpool last year...'
England  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N O Deboche Amargo Do Poeta Da Penumbra
Brazil  1
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'I don't think we'll ever grow up.'...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Sounds?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Friday I'm In Love Single Advert (With Robert And Mary's Wedding Photo With Group)
Mexico  1 Y O Mexico? Argentina? Spain?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Robert Smith (The Cure) Geen Hoogvlieger
Netherlands  0.25 Y O Date?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Suizid-Pop
Germany  0.75 Y O Author: Hollow Skai
1/1/1992 Unknown  N On The Cure Side
England  1 Y England?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Creem Magazine Advert
England  0.25 Y O Q?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Tot-oder? The Cure
Germany  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album Review (Begins with 'Das zehnte Studio-Album von The Cure tragt nicht nur den...')
Germany  0.5 Y O Author: Thomas Steinberg
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Fred Facts (Begins with 'The Cure can hardly be rated an overnight success...')
England  0.5 Y O NME? MM? Sounds?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Play Out Video And Wish Album Advert (With Eye And Ear Drawing)
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'Mit 'Wish' wunschlos unglucklich: Robert Smith un seine Weltschmerz-Kombo...' (Cure Tour Dates)
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'Wahrend der Arbeit an ihrem mittlerweile neunzehnten Album sind The Cure...'
Germany  0.25 N O Date?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Cure Mention (Begins with 'The Cure toured at the same time as us to make sure I could never come to any of their gigs.' Rob Newman)
England  0.25 N O Date? Australia?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Article Mentions Band Covering Cure Song ('A bizarre version of the Cure's Love Cats gets listeners ready for a weird time...')
Australia  0.25 N O Author: Nik Garifalakis, Date?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'At a recent media seminar in Los Angeles...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Sounds?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Album Review (Begins with '36. The Cure Wish (Fiction) - This record makes you think about how Robert Smith is a master of rock writing...')
England  0.25 Y O Date? Australia?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Wish Tour Germany Advert
Germany  0.25 Y O
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Discography: The Cure
Australia  1 Y O Author: John O'Donnell
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Robert Smith: Suo Stu Kasvamaan Aikuiseks!!
Finlan  2 Y
1/1/1992 Unknown  N Cure's Castle Crumbles
England  0.5 Y C NME? MM? Sounds?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N The Cure: Killing An Arab (Small Wonder 1978), Begins with 'Stadium Rock was light years away when the teenage Cure...')
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Date?
1/1/1992 Unknown  N The Cure (Begins with 'The early sound of this UK band formed in 1977 was sparse and edgy.')
Wish Album Review (Begins with 'Punk survivors the Cure tried a different approach for their 1992 album...')
England  1.5 Y O England?
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N Das Ende Einer Therapie In Der Offentlichkeit
Germany  0.75 Y C Author: Kai Holoch
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N Dustere Texte (10-6-92 Hamburg, Germany Show Review)
Germany  0.5
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N Ein Todessuchtiger Duster-Troll
Weniger Gruftig? The Cure
Germany  0.5 N C Author: Bernd Schuknecht
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N Antreten Zur Cure - Spulung (10-6-92 Hamburg, Germany Show Review)
Germany  0.5
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N 10-8-92 Bremen, Germany Show Review
Germany  1
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N The Cure Stellt Neue CD Vor
Germany  0.25 N C
1/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N The Cure: 50 Karten Zu
Germany  0.75 Y O
1/1/1992 Vox  N Play Out Video Advert
England  0.5 Y O
1/1/1992 Vrai Musique  N Band Poster (Cloud Background, Band With Arms Outstretched, Boris On Right With Striped Black And White Shirt)
Robert Poster (Robert Live '92 Singing Into Mic, Wearing Black, Yellow Background)
France  8 Y O
1/1/1992 WAZ  N The Cure Sind Zuruck
Germany  1 Y C
1/1/1992 WOM Journal  N Zum Wunschkonzert Nach Australien
Germany  1 Y O
1/1/1992 Zillo  N Tourdatesinfo 'Wish' - Tour (Germany)
Germany  1
1/1/1992 Zillo  N Friday I'm In Love Single Review
Germany  1
1/1/1992 Zillo  N 'Wish' - Was Lange Wart, Wird Endlich Gut!
Germany  5
1/4/1992 Melody Maker  N 1991 Readers Poll: Robert Smith The Cure Best Male Artist And Video
England  Y Nirvana Cover
1/16/1992 Bravo  N Cure: Jelzin War Fur Mich Der Mann Des Jahres
Germany  0.5 Y O #4, Richard Grieco Cover
2/1/1992 Cure News  Y Fanzine
England  16 Y O #12
2/1/1992 Kissing Booklet   Y Fanzine
France  39 Y C #24
2/1/1992 Unknown  N The Cure Use Roto Sound Bass And Guitar Strings Advert
England  0.25 Y O NME? MM?
2/1/1992 Zillo  N Unknown
Germany  Bauhaus
2/15/1992 New Musical Express  N News (Begins with '... and The Cure are scheduled to record an acoustic set of unreleased new tracks for broadcast next month...')
Presence - Act Of Faith Advert
England  0.5 Y O Manic Street Preachers Cover, Author: Iestyn George
2/22/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure have announced details of their first new LP...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Sounds?
3/1/1992 Anomalie  Y Fanzine
France  52 Y #5
3/1/1992 Indiecator  N Unknown
3/1/1992 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #28
3/5/1992 Boston Herald  N Valentine, Dinosaur Jr. Crank It Up
US  Author: Karen Schlosberg
3/7/1992 Melody Maker  Y The Cure Pictures Of Youth
England  4 Y O Author: The Stud Brothers
3/7/1992 New Musical Express  N High Single Advert (16.3.92)
England  0.5 Y O
3/14/1992 Melody Maker   P High Single Advert
The Cure: Japanese Whispers
England  4 Y O Curve Cover, Authors: The Stud Brothers
3/14/1992 New Musical Express  N 'Get High Next Week' - High Single Advert
England  0.5 Y O Senseless Cover
3/18/1992 P30  N High Single Lyrics
England  1 Y O P30?
3/18/1992 Smash Hits  N High Single Advert (Full Page)
High Single Lyrics
England  2 Y O 90210 - Jason Priestly And Shannon Doherty Cover, I only have advert.
3/20/1992 Telerama  Y Therapie De Groupe
France  4.25 Y O #2200
3/21/1992 Melody Maker  N Cure Club Tour
England  0.25 Y C Jesus And Mary Chain
3/21/1992 New Musical Express  N High Single Advert
England  0.5 Y O
3/21/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure have announced an 11-date tour of clubs and theatres...'
England  0.25 N O
3/21/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'The Cure, whose 'High' 45 is released this week...'
England  0.25 N O
4/1/1992 Alternative Press  Y The Cure: One More Wish
US  5 Y O #46
4/1/1992 Backstage  Y Unknown
Belgium  Y #110
4/1/1992 Best  Y High Single Review
Meilleurs Voeux
France  9 Y O #285, Author: Gilles Riberolles
4/1/1992 Doll  Y Unknown
Japan  Y
4/1/1992 Guitarist  Y Interview - Cure De Guitare: Robert Smith
Rock Collection: - Cure: High (Guitar Tablature)
France  8.25 Y O #35, Author: Romain Decouret, Tablature Author: Francois Rolland
4/1/1992 Le Monde  N Portrait D'Une Adolescence Eternelle
France  1
4/1/1992 Liberation  N Le Nouveau Robert Smith
France  4
4/1/1992 Lime Lizard  P Cure (Begins with 'Check his record, check the man's track record...')
England  5.25 Y O Charlatans Cover, Author: Philip Milo
4/1/1992 Melody Maker  N Cure as F*** (Wish Album Review)
England  1 Y O Author: Andrew Smith
4/1/1992 Oxygen   N Y'a (Enfin) De La Joie
  3 #6
4/1/1992 Rock Disk Magazine (RCD)  P High CD Box Set Advert
I Wish
Punk And All That
Wish Album Advert
Wish Album Review
US  6 Y O Vol. 1 No. 1, Jimi Hendrix Cover, Article Author: Gavin Michie, Punk Article Author: Andrew Smith, Review Author: JR
4/1/1992 Select  N Cure Supplement
England  Nirvana Cover
4/1/1992 Speak Up  Y Robert Smith Of The Cure
England  4 Y #59, England?
4/1/1992 Spiral Scratch  Y Cure Live Concert To Transmitted… XFM
England  Y #24, Newspaper Version
4/1/1992 Telemoustique  N The Cure Le Club Des 5
France  2
4/1/1992 Telerama  N Rapido
France  1
4/1/1992 Wiener  N Todgeweihte Leben Langer
Germany  2 Y O Author: Michael Fuchs-Gambock
4/1/1992 Zillo  P Neues Album Ende April!
Wish Album Advert
Germany  3 Y O #4, Jesus & Mary Chain and U2 Cover
4/1/1992 Zounds  N Der Mit Dem Tod Tanzt
Germany  2 Y O Bruce Springsteen Cover, Author: Michael Fuchs-Gambock
4/4/1992 New Musical Express  N Band Pic And 'The Cure, (above) follow the Top Ten success of their 'High' 45'
High Single Advert
England  0.5 Y O PJ Harvey Cover
4/6/1992 Hits  N High Single Advert
US  1 Y O
4/10/1992 Boston Herald  N Concert Update - Rejuvinated Cure Lands At Centrum In April
US  Author: Julie Romandetta
4/11/1992 New Musical Express  N Bigger Dose Of Cure
England  0.25 Y O Carter Cover
4/16/1992 Spiral Scratch  Y The Cure
England  5 Y O #25, Newspaper Version, Author: Rachel Doran
4/18/1992 Melody Maker  N Cure At The Castle Of Oxfam
Wish Album Advert
XFM Takes To The Air
England  3.25 N O Black Crowes Cover (1/4 Cure Cover - Different Than 11/92 Mag), Only have Oxfam article.
4/18/1992 New Musical Express  Y Begins with 'The Cure whose series of LP preview parties...'
Our Price - Wish Album Advert (Full Page)
The Mansion Family
Wish Album Review
England  5.25 Y O Authors: Andrew Collins And Derek Ridgers, Review Author: David Quantick
4/18/1992 Oor  N Nieuwe Kleren / Oude Keizer (Wish Album Review)
Wish Album Advert
Netherlands  1.5 Y O #8, Author: Oene Kummer
4/19/1992 Los Angeles Times  N This Cure Is Not Worth The Pain (Wish Album Review)
US  Author: Chris Willman
4/19/1992 New York Times  N The Cure Finds A Hint Of Cheer Amid The Gloom
US  2 Y O Author: Jon Pareles
4/19/1992 South Florida Sun-Sentinel  N The Cure Hits The Road
US  Author: Deborah Wilker
4/20/1992 Rennbahn Express  N Ich Habe Angst! Exklusiv Robert Smith Packt Aus!
Austria  1
4/21/1992 Chicago Tribune  N They're Lonely At The Top Songs Of Despair Lift The Cure Into Rock's Big Time
US  Author: Greg Kot
4/23/1992 Boston Globe  N Wish Album Review (Begins with 'Tell me truly: Do you wish...')
4/23/1992 Bravo  N Band Poster (Band In Front Of Grandfather Clock)
Robert War Nie Der Wahre Chef
Germany  2 Y O #18, Shanice Cover
4/23/1992 Oz  N Unknown
Greece  New Order Cover
4/23/1992 Rip It Up  Y Unknown
Australia  Y #16
4/23/1992 Rock This Town  Y Cure Toujours
Belgium  3 Y #17, Author: Didier Stiers
4/24/1992 Boston Herald  N Discs - The Cure's Misery Relieved By Lively 'Wish'
US  Author: Wayne Horvitz
4/24/1992 Orlando Sentinel  N In The Bin (Wish Album Review)
June 2 In Orlando: The Cure
US  Author (Both Articles): Jim Abbott
4/25/1992 Hitkrant  N The Cure Nog Altijd Hoogvliegers
Netherlands  0.25 Y O #17
4/25/1992 New Musical Express  N Wish UK Spring Tour Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O Mega City Four Cover
4/27/1992 Hits  N Album In Stores Now! Shipped Platinum. - Friday I'm In Love Single Advert
US  1 Y O
5/1/1992 Alternative Press  N Wish Album And Tour Advert (Full Page)
US  1 Y #47, Superchunk Cover
5/1/1992 Best  N Best Is Music Advert
Voeu Pieu (Wish Album Review)
France  3 Y #286, Nick Cave Cover, Review Author: Catherine Chantoiseau
5/1/1992 Blue Jean  P The Cureology
Turkey  5 Y O Freddy Mercury (Queen) Cover
5/1/1992 Chronicle  N Friday I'm In Love Single Review
Wish Album Review
5/1/1992 Concert News  Y Wish
Wish Album Advert
US  5 Y O Vol. 3 #4
5/1/1992 Conecte  Y Tocaranen Monterrey Estrenando Nuevo Disco: Wish
Mexico  3 Y O
5/1/1992 Eres  N The Cure
Mexico  3 Y The New Generation Eres Cover
5/1/1992 Les Inrockuptibles  N C'est Cure - Wish Album Advert
France  1 #35
5/1/1992 Los Angeles Times  N The Cure Wishes To Be No. 1
US  Author: Dennis Hunt
5/1/1992 Mix  N Unknown
Denmark  Dr. Baker Cover
5/1/1992 Mucchio  Y Music: The News - The Cure
Wish Album Review
Italy  4.5 Y O #172, Article Author: Marco Lucchi, Review Author: Camillo De Marco
5/1/1992 Music Express  N Pure Cure Wish Album Advert
Canada  5 Y O Melissa Etheridge Cover, Author: Tim Powis
5/1/1992 Musik Express/Sounds  N Noch Rostig The Cure Olen Die Tourmaschine
Tourstart In Bradford
Germany  0.5 Y O Author: Hanspeter Kunzler, I don't have Bradford article.
5/1/1992 Musik Express/Sounds  N Robert Smith
Wish Album Review
Germany  5.25 Y O #5, Several People And Noose Cover
5/1/1992 POK  P Mia Eyxhtla To 3Hmepa
Greece  6 Y O Bruce Springstein Cover
5/1/1992 Pop Rock  N The Cure Steckbrief
Austria  1
5/1/1992 N 'Robert, do you still collect pens, please?'
Rowdy (Wish Album Review)
England  4.5 Y O #68, Cher Cover, Article Author: Miranda Sawyer, Review Author: Robert Sandall
5/1/1992 Request  Y Wish Fulfillment
US  3 Y O Author: Susan Corrigan
5/1/1992 Select  N My Little Phony
Wish Album Review
England  6 Y O U2 Cover, Article Author: John Robb, Review Author: Dave Morrison
5/1/1992 Spin  N Wish Album Review
US  1 Y Beastie Boys Cover, Author: Lauren Spencer (Jon Young?)
5/1/1992 The Tech  N Wish Album Review
Unknown  Author: Alan Peyrat
5/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N Kindlich Und Auch Noch Stolz Darauf!
Austria  0.5
5/1/1992 Velvet  Y Unknown
Italy  Y #5
5/1/1992 VOX  Y Home On The Strange
Sunny Side Up (Wish Album Review)
That Free VOX Tape In Full
England  6 Y O #20, Author Martin Townsend
5/1/1992 Wow!  N The Cure Zum Wunschkonzert Nach Australien
Germany  Concrete Blonde
5/1/1992 Zillo  Y Full Moon Concert Bootleg Review
The Cure
World Of Music - Wish Album Advert
Germany  8 Y O #5
5/2/1992 Beats  N Unknown
Unknown  Melissa Etheridge
5/2/1992 Melody Maker  P Wish You Were Here
England  3.5 Y O Metallica Cover, Author: Andrew Mueller
5/2/1992 New Musical Express  P Cure Fans Face Fakes
Friday I'm In Love Advert
NME 40th Anniversary Advert
Stars Rally For XFM
The Head On The Tandoori (4-21-92 Bradford, England St. George's Hall Review)
England  6.25 Y O Superchunk Cover, Review Author: Betty Page
5/2/1992 Oor  Y Vrijheid, Gelijkheid En Broederschap
Wish Album Advert
Netherlands  7 Y O #9
5/2/1992 Unknown  N Begins with 'It's not like I'm Mick Jagger...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Sounds?
5/5/1992 Ciao 2001  Y 'I sogni son desideri'
Italy  5 Y O #18 (1157), Author: Piergiorgio Brunelli
5/6/1992 Salut!  P Cure Poster (Robert In Front W/Black Sweater And T-Shirt Underneath, Simon Is To Left Of Robert W/Hair Down, Boris Is To The Right Of Robert W/Sunglasses)
The Cure - 'Nous Sommes Un Drole De Group Qui Fait Une Drole De Musique'
France  3 Y O #117, Alyssa Milano Cover, Author: Sebastian Flyte
5/8/1992 LA Weekly  N 6-27-92 Los Angeles, California Show Advert
US  1 Y O
5/9/1992 Hitkrant  N The Cure Is In Feite Een 'Jong Groepje' Gebleven - 'We Zijn Egoisten. We Moeten Telkens Ons Ei Kwijtraken'
Netherlands  1 Y O #19
5/9/1992 Unknown  N Begins with ' The Cure were forced to cut short their set at Cambridge Corn Exchange...'
England  0.25 N O NME? MM? Sounds?
5/11/1992 Who Weekly  N Song
Australia  Liz Hayes Cover
5/13/1992 Smash Hits  N Friday I'm In Love Single Lyrics
England  1.5 Y O Luke Perry (Dylan) - 90210 Cover
5/14/1992 Rolling Stone  N Healing For A Cult Of Millions (Wish Album Review)
US  2 N O #630, Sharon Stone Cover, Author: James Hunter
5/14/1992 San Diego Reader  N 6-24-92 San Diego, California 91X Advert (Full Page)
US  1 Y O
5/15/1992 Boston Globe  N The Cure: A Magnificent Mix Of Misery
5/15/1992 Newsday  N The Cure: Moping Is A Tiring Business
US  Author: Wayne Robins
5/16/1992 Boston Herald  N Cure Gives Powerhouse Performance (5-20/21-92 Worcester, Massachusetts Show Review)
US  Author: Dean Johnson
5/16/1992 Juke  Y Their Feet In The Wishing Well
Australia  3 Y O #890, Author: Andrew Collins
5/16/1992 New Musical Express  N Friday I'm In Love Advert
England  0.5 Y O The Levellers Cover
5/16/1992 Unknown  N Alleen Voor Echte Liefhebbers (Wish Album Review)
Netherlands  0.25 Y O
5/19/1992 Newsday  N The Cure: An Antidote For Gloom (Show Review)
US  Author: Wayne Robins
5/21/1992 Boston Globe  N The Cure Upbeat Road Warriors Again Idebar Vital Stats
5/22/1992 New Musical Express  N Begins with 'Longevity, along with money and lots of meaningless sex, is the main aim of most pop stars...'
England  0.5 N O
5/23/1992 Allentown Morning Call  N At The Spectrum, Fans Find Cure For Happy Feat (5-15/17-92 Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Show Review)
US  Author: Michael Lunney
5/23/1992 New Musical Express  N Dr. Crawshaft's World Of Pop (Editorial Cartoon)
England  0.5 Y O Fatima Mansions/Sean Hughes Cover
5/29/1992 Orlando Sentinel  N Music (Begins with 'The group's most recent albums, Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me and Disintegration...')
US  Author: Greg Kot
5/30/1992 Melody Maker  P The Cure Bite The Big Apple
England  2.5 Y O Slash Cover, Author: David Fricke
6/1/1992 Anomalie  Y Fanzine
France  54 Y #6
6/1/1992 Audio Plus  N Unknown
Germany  1 Bruce Springsteen Cover
6/1/1992 Best  N C'est Cure (Wish Album Advert, Full Page)
Disintegration Est Le Chant D'Une Lutte
France  1 Y O #287, I only have advert (Disintegration article is 2 pages?)
6/1/1992 Bravo  N Cure Poster
Neue: Mystische Live-Show
Wish Album Review
Germany  4 Y O Tom Cruise Cover
6/1/1992 Creem  Y The Cure The Popes Of Mope
US  9 Y O Author: Bill Wyman
6/1/1992 Hits  N Wildcard! - Friday I'm In Love Single Advert
US  1 Y O
6/1/1992 Live In Concert  N Wish Tour Germany Advert
Germany  0.5 Y O
6/1/1992 Music  Y Desiderio Esaudito
Wish Album Review (Begins with 'Non manca mai di tornare, nella musica pop...')
Italy  6 Y O #148, Article Authors: Maria Alessandra Scalise And Andrea Cangioli, Review Author: Maurizio Becker
6/1/1992 Music Shop  Y 'Ich Wunschte, Ich Konnte Zaubern'
Germany  3 Y O #6
6/1/1992 Musik Express  N Show Review
Germany  Brings Cover
6/1/1992 Newsweek  N Music - Joy Is A Disease. Meet The Cure
US  0.5 Y O Author: John Leland
6/1/1992 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  20 Y O #29
6/1/1992 Pulse  Y Dr. Robert Explains It All
US  6 Y O #15, Author: Simon Reynolds
6/1/1992 Rock World  N The Cure: Wish You Were Here
England  2 Y O #1 Vol. #1, U2 Cover, Author: David Judgement
6/1/1992 Rockerilla  N Unknown
Italy  3 Y #142, Faith No More Cover
6/1/1992 Rockin' On  Y The Cure
Japan  9.5 Y O Vol. 21
6/1/1992 Rockstar  N Cure
Italy  4 Y #141, Bruce Springsteen Cover, Author: Johnny Black
6/1/1992 Sassy  N Wish Tour Ad (Yellow Background, Band Picture With Arms Outstretched In Center)
US  1 Y Girl With Braids Cover
6/1/1992 Spin  Y Taking The Cure
Wish Advert
US  9 Y O Vol. 8 #3, Author: Mark Blackwell And Jim Greer
6/1/1992 Unknown  N 6/23/92 San Diego, California Premier Tickets Show Advert
US  0.25 Y O
6/1/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N 6-13-93 (London, England XFM) Show Advert
US  0.5 Y O
6/1/1992 Zillo  N Wish Album Review
Germany  Marionettes Cover
6/2/1992 Bravo  N Friday I'm In Love Video
Germany  0.5 Y
6/2/1992 Orlando Sentinel  N A Monster Cure (Begins with 'The British alternative rock band The Cure hangs out with Beetlejuice and Frankenstein...')
6/2/1992 South Florida Sun-Sentinel  N Smith, The Cure Are Popular Alternative
US  Author: Roger Catlin
6/3/1992 Orlando Sentinel  N Cure Rules Stage With Mix Of Pop And Moody Music (6-2-92 Orlando, Florida Show Review)
US  Author: Parry Gettelman
6/4/1992 Bravo  P Band Poster (1991 Shot With Paint Swipes... like VOX Picture)
Germany  2 Y O #24, Michael Douglas Cover
6/4/1992 Hot Press  Y Wish You Were Here
Ireland  2 Y O Vol. 16 #9, Author: George Byrne
6/5/1992 Oz  P Unknown
Greece  Jethro Tull Cover
6/5/1992 The Picayune Times  N Cure Not Only Driven By Angst
6/6/1992 New Musical Express  N 9-5-92 Oxfam Show Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O Disposable Heroes Of Hiphoprisy Cover
6/11/1992 Houston Chronicle  N 'Postmodern' Cure Gets Lost In The Fog
6/11/1992 San Diego Reader  N 6-4-92 San Diego, California 91X Show Advert
US  0.5 Y O
6/12/1992 The Picayune Times  N Cure: Long On Atmosphere
6/20/1992 New Musical Express  N Oxfam Attempt Cure Remedy
England  0.5 N O Faith No More Cover
6/20/1992 Orange County Register  Y Getting The Cure
US  Y Newspaper Insert
6/21/1992 Los Angeles Times  N 10 Questions - Rock's Avatar Of Alienation
US  Author: Richard Cromelin
6/23/1992 Los Angeles Times  N Cure Mixes Angst, Light Moments (6-21-92 Long Beach, California Show Review)
US  Author: Rochard Cromelin
6/25/1992 Unknown Newspaper  N 8-26-92 Adelaide, Australia Show Advert
Australia  0.25 Y O
6/27/1992 Melody Maker  N Cowboys And Indie Fans (6-13-92 Dallas, Texas Show Review)
England  0.5 Y O Whose Land Is It Anyway? Cover, Author: Andrew Collins
6/27/1992 New Musical Express  N Bob Cops A Shiner
England  0.25 N O Carter Cover (2 Guys W/Glastonbury Sign)
6/29/1992 Hits  Y Unknown
US  Y Vol. 9, Issue 298?
6/29/1992 Los Angeles Times  N Rose Bowl Victory An Easy Cure For Neighbors To Take (6-27-92 Pasadena, California Show Review)
US  Author: Steve Hochman
6/30/1992 Orlando Sentinel  N Cure Speaks Out About Def Leppard
US  Author: Associated Press
7/1/1992 Best  N 10-19/20/21-92 Paris, France Zenith Show Advert
France  1 #288, Prince Cover
7/1/1992 Conecte  N Unknown
Mexico  Black Sabbath Cover
7/1/1992 Details  N Head Trip
US  4.5 Y O Anthony Kedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers) Cover
7/1/1992 Live In Concert  P Unknown
Germany  Y
7/1/1992 Music Life  N Friday I'm In Love Single Review
The Cure Show Review
Japan  3 Y O Extreme Cover
7/1/1992 Popcorn  N Cure Poster
Germany  Y Kris Kross Cover
7/1/1992 N Aerophobes Cure Step Thankfully Ashore QE2
Recommended Albums 92
England  1 Y O #70, I only have QE2 Article
7/1/1992 Rock De Lux  Y Unknown
Spain  Y #88
7/1/1992 Star Club  N Les Adultes Me Desperent
Robert Poster (Wearing Black Sweater With White T-Shirt Underneath, With Praying Hands)
France  2 Y Saved By The Bell Cover
7/1/1992 Unknown  N Fans Find Right Cure At Rose Bowl Rock Concert (7-27-92 Pasedena, California Show Review)
US  1 Y Author: Jennifer Burry
7/1/1992 Zillo  N Wish Tour Germany Advert
Germany  0.5 Y The Mission Cover
7/1/1992 Zounds  N Unknown
Germany  #7, Midnight Oil Cover
7/2/1992 Bravo  N The Cure: Per Schiff Nach New York
Germany  0.5 Y O #28, Kris Kross Cover
7/3/1992 Los Angeles Times  N Cures From The Crypt
US  2 Y O Author: Maureen Sajbel
7/4/1992 Melody Makers  N Cure Refunds Soon
England  0.25 Y O The Levellers Cover
7/8/1992 Smash Hits  N News Item
England  Y Jason Donovan Cover
7/10/1992 Chicago Tribune  N Eminently Successful Cure Tops Week's Slate Of Shows
US  Author: Chris Heim
7/10/1992 Detroit Free Press  N The Cure's Master Of Moping Finds A Bit Of Touring Joy
7/11/1992 New Musical Express  N Cure Charity Gig Back On
England  0.5 Y O Kitsch And Strange Cover
7/12/1992 Chicago Tribune  N Goth-Rock: Music As A Way Of Life
Robert Smith's Favorite Songs
The Gloom Merchants
US  Author (All 3 Articles): Greg Kot
7/16/1992 Chicago Tribune  N The Cure Keeps Lid On Glee Gloom Works, Even In Arena
US  Author: Greg Kot
7/18/1992 Melody Maker  N Medication Terrorists (6-27-92 Pasadena, California Rose Bowl Show Review)
England  0.75 Y O Kurt Cobain Cover, Author: Ted Mico
7/18/1992 Newsday  N Begins with 'The Cure concert originally scheduled for Flushing Meadows-Corona Park...'
7/25/1992 Stern  N Suizid Pop
Germany  1
7/30/1992 Bravo  N Rocklexikon The Cure
Germany  0.5
8/1/1992 Bizz - Letras Traduzidas  N High Single Lyrics
Brazil  2 Y Right Said Fred Cover
8/1/1992 Bravo  N Songbook - High Lyrics
Germany  0.5 Y #15, Army Of Lovers Cover
8/1/1992 Cure News   Y Fanzine
England  16 Y O #13
8/1/1992 Dolly  N Unknown
Australia  0.5 Y Girl In Red Polka Dot Dress And Simon Denny Cover
8/1/1992 Melody Maker  N Cure Line Up Five Shows For November
England  1
8/1/1992 Music Life  N Poster
Japan  Y Skid Row Cover
8/1/1992 Musik Express/Sounds  N Tour Dates - B/W Picture
Germany  Jimi Hendrix Cover
8/1/1992 New Musical Express  N Announcing UK Tour Dates
Wish Tour UK Advert (Full Page)
England  1 Y O Ice Cube Cover, I only have advert.
8/1/1992 Other Voices   Y Fanzine
US  30 Y O #30
8/1/1992 Playgirl  N The Cure - Der Tod Ist Ein Mysterioser Begleiter
Germany  2 Y O Herz Flop Cover, Author: Michael Fuchs-Gambock
8/1/1992 Reflex  N Wish Album Review
  Author: Lou Stathis
8/1/1992 Rumba  Y Cure On Sinut Suosion Kanssa
Pitkia Kaaria (Wish Album Review)
Wish Album Advert
Finland  3.5 Y O #8, Author: Dave Judgements/S.I.N., Review Author: Markku Halme
8/1/1992 Spin  N Live: Spectrum Philadelphia 5/16/92
US  1


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This page was last updated on April 16, 2009
Dayna Karas © 1997-
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